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Benefits of Wild Yam

Rujuta Borkar
Even though wild yam benefits have been known in several cultures around the world, it is only in the recent past that these benefits have come to be known and have gained popularity. Let us see what some of these are.
Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) is found in Asia, Mexico, and in North and Central America. It grows as a vine in humid and wet woodlands and thickets. It requires plenty of sun and rich soil for its proper growth. It is therefore found in temperate, tropical, and subtropical conditions throughout the world.
Wild yams have been made use of for a long time in several cultures throughout the world for the varied benefits that they provide for. These benefits extend to several spheres of human health due to their anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic properties.

Benefits for Women

Wild yams have been known to treat several conditions that women suffer from and treat several ailments that plague women's health. Let us take a look at some of these benefits.
  • Wild yam extract has been known to treat morning sickness during pregnancy.
  • It also helps to ease labor pains and bring about relief from the pains experienced during the process.
  • It benefits those women who are suffering from menstrual cramps by relieving the spasms in the stomach and uterus.
  • It is beneficial for the female reproductive system by increasing the fertility of women.
  • It helps to regulate menstruation.
  • It helps in preventing the formation of breast cysts and fibroids, and therefore helps in preventing breast cancer.
  • After a woman has gone through an abortion, consuming wild yam can help normalize the hormones.
  • It relieves nausea and decreases water retention that is caused during menopause.
  • Wild yams also help in breast enhancement and are regularly used as a sexual stimulant.

Others Benefits

Other than the specific advantages that women can reap from wild yam, here are some general benefits that have been proven advantageous for people
  • Wild yam has been known to be very therapeutic for liver health. It lowers the cholesterol and blood pressure levels and thereby helps the liver by reducing the stress in the body and increasing the efficiency of the liver.
  • It helps in conditions like nervousness, restlessness, and other conditions where one tends to lose their nerve.
  • It helps to eradicate intestinal colic and flatulence, along with treating gastritis.
  • It also helps in treating asthma and rheumatism.
  • It is especially prescribed for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. It helps tremendously to relieve pain that is caused by inflammation.
  • It helps to soothe diverticulitis as well as ease dysmenorrhea.
  • People going through depression are often asked to consume wild yam extract because it helps to relieve the condition.
  • It also helps with conditions of water retention, low thyroid function, excess weight gain, and endometrial cancer.
  • It helps the digestive system by dilating blood vessels and improving the flow of bile, thereby improving digestion.
  • It supplies nutrients that are important for optimal glandular function.
  • It helps and promotes the proper functioning of the nervous, urinary, and digestive system.
  • Creams that are made from wild yam extract are known to help treat certain skin diseases like eczema, yellow skin, conjunctiva, and psoriasis.
  • Wild yams also benefits men and include, among others, the usage of the extracts for achieving sexual prowess and energy.

Side Effects

Even though there are many benefits that this product provides for, some side effects have been reported as well. If wild yam is taken in high dosages, it might cause some or more of these reactions in the body.
  • Vomiting
  • Rashes and/or hives.
  • Swelling of the mouth, throat, lips, or tongue.
  • Labored breathing.
  • It is recommended that people suffering from conditions like fibroids, cancer, or endometriosis should not consume wild yam as it can increase the risk of blood clots.
  • Wild yam contains a natural steroid called dioscorin/diosgenin which can cause a estrogenic reaction within the body by reacting with estriol. Estriol is also present in certain birth control medication forms and therefore if the two react, the birth control will become ineffective.
Wild yam benefits are abundant and it is therefore touted as one of the most effective herbal remedies found today. So if you suffer from any of the conditions mentioned above or want to simply earn some great health, including wild yam in your diet might just be the key to a healthier you.
Disclaimer - This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.