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Why is Vitamin D Important

Saptakee Sengupta
Vitamin D is extremely important for our body that protects us from a wide range of health disorders. This story shall let you know the significances of vitamin D in details...
The importance of vitamins cannot be ignored even though a very small amount is required by our body. Vitamin D is one of those essential vitamins that our body needs to function properly. Vitamin D has two physiological forms, viz, vitamin D2 and vitamin D3, that are also known as ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol respectively.
We have often heard doctors asking us to soak in the morning sunshine. Why do we need to do this? It's because sunshine helps in synthesis of vitamin D.
Before going into the significance of vitamin D, we shall present you with some important facts about this vitamin. Vitamin D is actually a fat soluble hormone that is created in our body naturally when we expose ourselves to sunshine. You can also derive vitamin D from plant-based foods and dairy products.
Vitamin D3 synthesis is regulated by the sun while vitamin D2 is derived from organic foods.

Importance of Vitamin D in our Body

Anti-inflammatory Properties

People who are prone to inflammatory diseases like arthritis, cardiac infection, atherosclerosis, etc., are often given vitamin D supplements. It's one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents that makes you immune towards any kind of inflammatory diseases.
Research studies and surveys conducted have shown that patients who have suffered from cardiovascular diseases like peripheral artery diseases and cancers (breast and ovarian cancers) had very low levels of vitamin D in their body. Thus, deficiency of vitamin D in body makes you more vulnerable to heart diseases and cancer.
This is one of the most important reasons why doctors advise consumption of more plant, fish and dairy foods.

Mineral Absorption

The relation between vitamin D and calcium absorption is very close. How? One of the most important roles of vitamin D is promoting absorption of calcium inside body, thereby making bones and teeth strong. It is capable of elevating osteoclast count inside body which further promotes bone resorption.
It helps maintain adequate levels of calcium in serum by regulating secretion of parathyroid hormone. People who lack vitamin D in the body are more vulnerable to fractures and osteoporosis. Apart from regulating calcium absorption, vitamin D also helps maintaining phosphorous density inside bones.

Prevention of Microbial Diseases

You become more vulnerable to a wide range of microbial diseases if your body is not synthesizing vitamin D adequately. During winters, you expose yourself less to sun and this is one of the most obvious reasons behind getting inflicted with influenza and other types flu.
Thus, you must expose your body regularly to sun for at least 5 minutes to increase your body's immune power. Vitamin D3 is known to possess antimycobacterial activity, which proves to be an effective treatment for tuberculosis.
HIV infected patients were reported with high number of CD4+ T cells, owing to lack of vitamin D in their body. Since, Vitamin D3 has anti HIV properties, it's extremely important for you to derive it from natural sources.

Lowers High Blood Pressure

People suffering from high blood pressure are usually found to be deficient in vitamin D. Angiotensin II, is a substance that is produced by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), and its presence in excess amounts leads to constriction of blood vessels.
Thus, when blood flows in those constricted vessels, it has a very high speed, that causes elevation in its pressure. Vitamin D is capable of bringing down levels of Angiotensin II, thereby normalizing blood pressure. To keep cardiovascular risks at bay, you must consume foods that are rich in vitamin D and expose yourself at least thrice a week to sun.

Other Functions

  • Makes you immune by activating T cells inside body.
  • Gives protection against low amounts of nuclear radiation.
  • It promotes differentiation and multiplication of healthy cells.
  • Brings down high blood glucose levels.
From the points described above, I'm sure it's now clear why vitamin D is important. Although, the quantity required by your body is very minimum, that little amount keeps you immune to so many health risks. Thus, have a diet that is rich in vitamin D (mostly includes fish, plants and dairy products) and bask in sun periodically.
Doctors often administer vitamin D supplements to those who are deficient to prevent them becoming prone to health disorders.