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White Meat Vs. Red Meat

Puja Lalwani
White meat or red meat? Which one should you eat? Which one is healthier? With health experts differing in opinion regarding these types of meat, it is difficult for the common consumer to decide which one she/he should eat. Here's what you need to know about white meat vs. red meat and vice versa, so that you can truly benefit from both.
It is not so much of the meat you eat as it is the amount you eat and the manner in which it is cooked. Both white meat and red meat are healthy for the body, though the scales are tipped in favor of white meat being healthier, and against red meat being unhealthy.
What has instigated this debate and led to the creation of a wide rift between the health benefits of white meat vs. red meat? Here, we identify how eating both white meat and red meat can benefit you as long as you enjoy it in an appropriate manner.

The Difference, the Pros, and the Cons

Let's start with the basics. White meat is obtained from poultry such as chicken and turkey, and fish (and other seafood). Rabbit meat is also considered as white meat. This kind of meat is so called because of its light color.
Red meat on the other hand is obtained from sources such as lamb, cow, and pork. Duck, though considered to be poultry, is considered as red meat. This again is so called because of its rich, dark color. In essence, lighter meats are called white meat while darker ones are called red meat.

All About Red Meat

Red meat is known to be a great source of protein, riboflavin, iron, and thiamine. However, it is also a rich source of saturated fat and cholesterol. Not only does it cause weight gain, it can also be unhealthy for the heart if consumed in excess. This is why red meat is touted as unhealthy.
Moreover, recent research has indicated that consuming red meat in excessive amounts may lead to the development of different types of cancer. Another point in question is that red meat is mostly enjoyed fried with a lot of other add-ons such as cheese, fries, mayonnaise, and other such foods, thus becoming a cause of unhealthy weight gain.
This is another reason why red meat has received all the bad press.
Red meat lovers, however, should also know that by consuming lean cuts of red meat, they put themselves at a lower risk for the development of any kind of the aforementioned diseases. For instance, having a grilled patty in a burger made of lean ground beef is definitely healthier than a patty with all the fat and that has been deep-fried.

All About White Meat

White meat is known to be lower in calories and is a great source of essential unsaturated fats. Moreover, the protein that is present in fish is known to be extremely beneficial for everyone. While there are no health risks associated with eating white meat, food experts call it the poorest form of protein.
Yes, the amount may be lesser than that present in red meat. This however does not mean that it is unhealthy. In fact, white meat is perfect for everyone who is trying to lose weight, lower cholesterol, and lead a healthy life.
As is the case with red meat, even this form of meat should be enjoyed grilled, steamed, or boiled rather than fried. Frying only adds calories and makes efforts at weight loss and leading a healthy lifestyle futile.
In conclusion, what is important to understand is that both red meat and white meat should be consumed in moderation. Also, great attention should be paid to the manner in which these meats are cooked. Red meat is not the villain if you consume it in its lean form, along with other healthy foods such fresh vegetables and fruits.
A balanced diet is imperative for any food to have its benefit on your body. Similarly, white meat is as healthy when enjoyed in a moderate amount as part of a balanced diet. In essence, a little bit of both these meat forms is what will have you get the best benefits of eating meat of these varieties.
Do not assume either to be unhealthy or of no use to you. Both have a lot of offer to the body, and when consumed in a healthy amount, you are likely to benefit greatly from them.