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What is Flaxseed Good for?

Deeptee A
Flaxseed is the seed of the flax plant that and is a good source of omega 3. Let us take a look at some of the benefits of flaxseed.
Essential fatty acids are needed by our body for regulation of the activities in our cells. omega 3 is an essential fatty acid and hence, required for us. Flaxseed is the richest source of omega 3. It is also a good source of fiber and aids in digestion of food. You may still want to ask what is flaxseed good for, other than the above mentioned benefits?
Flax is also known as linseed. Found in the tropical areas like eastern Mediterranean and India, it was also popular in ancient Egypt. Flax is tall annual plant (germinates, flowers and dies in a year) and has slender stems. Along with green leaves and five petaled pale blue flower, this tree bears a round, capsule like fruit which contains the flaxseed.
So, what is flaxseed good for? Flaxseed is good for the flaxseed oil, which is one of the most ancient commercial oils that was used by people. Apart from making flaxseed oil, the flax plant is also used in making medicines, paper, soaps and hair gels.
Mentioned below are some of the benefits of flaxseed oil.
  • Flaxseed oil helps to reduce your cholesterol due to the omega 3 present in it.
  • The oil helps to fortify the nails of your fingers.
  • It improves your eyesight.
  • During the winter, you can apply flaxseed oil for smoother and softer skin.
  • If you are constipated and are tired of those laxatives, take some flaxseed oil. It will clean your stomach.
  • Flaxseed oil has this amazing benefit for helping you find some relief for certain allergies.
  • PMS? Here's some good news. Take some flaxseed oil; it can help you alleviate some pain.
  • Flaxseed oil helps to control gallstones and diverticular disorders and also helps to reduce inflammation caused by these diseases.
  • Another good news! Flaxseed oil assists in acne treatments, treating sunburn and psoriasis.
  • Girls, you cannot have enough! This oil is also beneficial if you want healthy hair.
  • Flaxseed is a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid which makes it good for the heart.
  • Obese people, here's some relief. Flaxseed is said to aid in weight loss as it is full of fiber.
  • Flaxseed is beneficial to the people suffering from hypertension.
  • Flaxseed is also a blessing for some cancer patients. It helps to recover from certain side effects of cancer treatments. It does not allow the cancer cells to grow and spread, also.
  • It reduces the chances of getting a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.
  • Flaxseed help to stabilize sugar levels.
  • Taking some amount of flaxseed everyday will ensure that your immune system becomes strong.
  • Flaxseed helps in minimizing nerve damage that leads to numbness.
  • It is helpful to the men as it fights against impotency and male infertility.
  • The growth of prostate cancer cells is suppressed by flaxseed.
Every coin has two sides! After looking at the various flaxseed benefits, it's time for the faults in it.
  • Due to the high fiber content, if flaxseed is taken in large quantities, it can lead to cramps in the stomach.
  • Flaxseed contains unsaturated oil which needs to be stored effectively in order for it to last.
  • Like other seeds and nuts, flax contains some amount of cyanide. Hence, overconsumption should be avoided.
  • Too much of flaxseed could also lead to diarrhea, gas, indigestion and nausea.
Overconsumption of any food will result in certain side effects. The above reasons should be enough, never to consume flaxseed or flaxseed oil excessively. Other than these, the benefits are galore so you should take the appropriate amount for the benefits. Hence, one teaspoon of flaxseed is recommended.
Those who do not like the taste but want to include it in your meals can add them to your milk shakes, cereal and salads. Take full advantage of the flaxseed meal benefits for a healthy life. So are you still going to wonder what is flaxseed good for or are you going to incorporate this amazing seed in your daily diet?