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What are the Health Benefits of Eating Raspberries?

Veethi Telang
The health benefits of eating raspberries are many. To know what they are, check out the following piece of information...
With a delicious blackberry-like texture, this beautiful red fruit is a nutrition powerhouse! If you thought you could use raspberries to only garnish your smoothies and salads, think again.
They're full of benefits, and can prove to be immensely beneficial, if consumed in the correct manner. Talk about antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, and you can find raspberries synonymous to all of them. Raspberries are a member of the rose clan, and are hollow at core.
A raspberry looks like a bunch of seeds, referred to as drupelets, which look like a compendium with a hollow center. They're fragrantly sweet and luscious, and are grown in California throughout monsoons. 
While raspberry leaves help in curing a sore throat and problems associated with the stomach, tea made with raspberry leaves is known to accelerate childbirth in many. Here, in this write-up, we enlist all the health benefits of consuming raspberries, the fruit that has boggled minds all over with its worth.

Consuming Raspberries: List of Health Benefits

  • The first, and the most effective gain from eating raspberries is that it prevents damage to the cell membranes, thanks to the ellagic acid content in this fruit that acts as an antioxidant, and helps in preventing all kinds of damage to the body's cell membranes by neutralizing free radicals. 
Moreover, the anthocyanins add to the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of this red fruit, thus, preventing unnecessary growth of bacteria in the body.
  • The presence of ellagic acid in raspberries also ceases the growth of many cancers in the body. As it is a phenolic compound, it prevents the bonding of carcinogens with the DNA, and by strengthening the connective tissue, it keeps cancer cells from spreading all over the body, thus, preventing cancer. 
Many researches also claim that the ellagic acid content in freeze-dried raspberries helps in preventing the growth of tumorous cells too.
  • Raspberries, being a rich source of anthocyanins, help in reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. They are known to reduce blood sugar levels, and are coupled with vitamin B and mineral content which foster lowered glucose levels in the body.
  • Being a rich source of manganese, dietary fiber, and vitamin C, raspberries prevent the tissues of the body from all damages associated with oxygen. Manganese and dietary fiber aid in slowing down the digestive process, so that you feel stuffed for a long time, and hence, eat less.
This, in turn, helps in losing weight as manganese and dietary fiber accelerate your metabolic rate, thus, burning lots of fat. If your ultimate aim is to lose weight, don't forget to involve raspberries in your diet.
  • Macular degeneration is the key cause of vision loss in grownups, and today, if you're suffering from the same, you could consume raspberries to prevent vision loss with increasing age. The vision-destructing ailment in adults is efficiently dealt by the vision-enhancing factors in raspberries, so that you don't have to rely only on carrots for improving your vision.
  • If you're sick of those wrinkles on your face, raspberries are a savior to your age spots and discoloration. Due to the high content of vitamin C in this fruit, raspberries help you fight aging by filling those wrinkles, and gain a youthful skin. 
What's more, you could also create a facial mask of raspberries mixed with yogurt, and applying the pack on your face for 15 - 20 minutes. You will be astonished to see positive results right from the very first application.
  • Raspberry seeds are rich in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids which are used in a variety of skin products that provide many health benefits to people. 
What's more, the sun protecting factor of the oil present in raspberry seeds goes well above 30, and hence, applying the oil extract of raspberry seeds, or using products made with the same can help in preventing your skin from tanning, and skin cell damage.
Being one of the many fruits with the highest antioxidant properties, the benefits of raspberries can, in no way, be neglected when it comes to health.
Many patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and Parkinson's disease, experienced unbelievable improvement in their health as the consumption of raspberries repaired the oxidative stress, thus, improving the overall health.
Consume them raw, as an additive in your daily cereal, or as a topping on your favorite smoothie, you're surely going to experience the many benefits that this luscious red fruit holds within.