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Tips for Water Fasting

Shalu Bhatti
Are you planning to water fast? Though it can be very unhealthy, as well as challenging, this story will help you with some helpful tips that will prove beneficial during this trying period.
Water fasting is not an easy job. You need to prepare yourself, both mentally and physically, to be able to accomplish this task successfully. No matter if you are doing it for weight loss or religious purposes, the biggest challenge is the mental and physical preparation that it takes.
In fact, it is due to this preparation and the need to have a strong mindset, that regular fasters can continue with this fast for as long as 40 days! If you are a beginner, don't push yourself. Start by experimenting, and check how long can you continue with it.
It is only when you are fully prepared with a set mindset, that the desired results would show. Otherwise, you will always find excuses within yourself to let go. The tips mentioned below will help you go through the entire process with a little ease, by creating a supportive environment around you.

Helpful Tips to Follow

You need to understand that these tips will just help you fight against temptations and stick to your task. Keep in mind that the environment plays a very important role in the success of fasting. It will be comparatively easy if you have others in the family to do the household work, such as, cooking, dishes, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc.
If all these things depend on you, then it would be very difficult for you to start with it in the first place. Go through the following tips and tricks to find out if you have what it takes.

100% Commitment

If you were on a liquid diet, you would have options of soups, fruit juices, water, etc. But when it comes to a water fast, you would be solely dependent on killing your hunger with water. Therefore, it requires 100% commitment on your part. Consume at least 8 to 10 glasses of distilled water every day.
You will have to do this by mentally and physically preparing yourself. This includes -
  • Clearing all your doubts related to this fast beforehand.
  • Be mentally prepared that your lifestyle would change.
  • Start going on a liquid diet at least 3 days before you actually start.
  • Be prepared of physical discomforts including hunger pains, bad breath, body odor, and headaches, at least for the first few days.
  • Avoid or remove anything around you that will tempt you or distract you from your goal.

Don't Exert Yourself

Try not to exert yourself. Don't do much of physical or mental exercises that can make you tired and provoke hunger. If you plan to do this while doing your 9 to 5 job, it would be a little difficult for you to carry on with the fast successfully, unless, you work around people who are supportive and helpful towards your endeavor. Relax and take as much of rest as you can for a successful ending.

Keep Yourself Busy

Once you begin, you will be amazed how much time you have in hand to spend with yourself, when you are not eating. You don't need to cook, clean the dishes, or think what to eat for lunch or dinner! For the first 3 days, you just have to fight with your mind that will provoke you to go and eat something.
This is the time when you need to distract your mind and keep yourself busy in order to avoid temptation. Try the following for the same.
  • Maintain a fasting journal and keep a record of your thoughts and achievements―the moments when you feel weak, what is going through your mind― and consequently divert your mind by thinking how you would feel when you achieve the desired results successfully.
  • Focus on your long-left hobbies and interests―not anything physical. You can start painting, reading, writing, listening music, and the like; anything that diverts your mind from food!
  • Take care of your body from the outside, as you are already going through an inner 'cleansing process'. Get a spa treatment, keep your body moisturized, go for some facial massages, and the like.
  • You can also do some mild yoga, meditation, stretching, and breathing exercises. These will help keep your body and mind active.
  • If you are religious, then you would know how effective is the combination of fasting and prayer. You can also spend some time reading the Holy Bible, or your religious scripture, and attain the much-needed peace of mind.

Keep a Support Center

Yes, it is very important to be a part of a support group, especially when you are struggling through the 'weak moments' in your fasting period. It is always advisable to discuss your goals and the purpose behind this attempt, with one of your loved ones.
This really helps, because when you desperately need to be motivated again, you can always call that person, who in turn, can remind you why you got into water fasting in the first place. A word of motivation can help you sail through the storm of negative thoughts and temptation.
As for me, I always remind myself of how Jesus fasted for 40 days and how He overcame all the temptations that came His way! You can also read motivational books and blogs, or follow the examples of people who have done this in the past.

Some Additional Tips

Consider the period of water fasting as a period of 'inner cleansing and self healing', which are the main benefits of this task! Most people give up during the first few days, thinking that it is just too hard. It's not their fault, it's human tendency to rebel against anything that leads to discomfort.
Here are some things you can do to make this whole experience interesting and exciting.
  • Get a fancy water goblet made of crystal (or anything that looks fancy to you) to use while you are at it.
  • Get a nice effective water purifier, the more purified the water, the lesser would be the troubles.
  • Get some effective body sprays and mouth fresheners while you fast. This is because the body is cleansing itself from within, thereby releasing toxins which may lead to bad breath and body odor.
  • Whenever you find it difficult to continue, think of how you would feel after having completed it successfully, especially if you are doing so to lose weight. Consider all the discomforts that you are going through as a means to enlighten yourself spiritually. This is how the monks and saints do it.
If you have any health issues, before you start, consult your doctor first to check if it's okay for you to go ahead with the fast. Another important thing to keep in mind, is that once your fasting is over, you need to slowly start eating solid meals.
So go for fruit juices the next day after it ends, start eating raw fruits and vegetables on day 2 and day 3, and then slowly move towards full-fledged meals. Never think of this process as a punishment! Consider this as a chance to experience greater personal awareness.
Fasting is a spiritual and enlightening journey, and every person has his/her own experience(s) associated with it. There is no greater joy in doing something which, at one point, felt impossible to do, and the aforementioned tips will help you achieve the same. All the best.
Disclaimer: This story is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a replacement for expert advice. Kindly consult a trusted physician before proceeding with such fasts as these may prove to be harmful for health, especially when you have medical problems such as diabetes, blood pressure, and heart problems.