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Vitamins and Minerals You Could Be Missing

Paisley Hansen
Although we are becoming more versed on what good nutrition means, there are still many elements that you may struggle with getting enough of in your diet. Here are some of the most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and why it is important to incorporate them into your diet.


Much of the population qualifies as iron deficient. Iron deficiency is more common in women than men due to a primary cause being issues such as heavy menstrual bleeding. If you find yourself low on energy and experiencing dizziness and other symptoms consistent with iron deficiency, you can easily increase the amount of iron in your diet.
Foods that are rich in iron include red meat, leafy greens, and many types of seafood. You can also consult your doctor about iron supplements to bring your iron levels up to a standard that is in the normal range. 


It is always a good idea to increase the amount of greens you consume, whether it be in the form of salads, smoothies, or even concentrated in supplements such as powders and tablets. Research has also shown algae can be beneficial, specifically chlorella.
One chlorella benefit is that it is safe and beneficial for growth and is especially helpful to include in your children's diet. It can also give you more energy, and is good for your immune system. Microgreens, despite their smaller size, are chock full of nutrients, and can also be grown and cultivated easily in your home garden.

Vitamin B12

Another nutrient that many people lack is Vitamin B12, which can increase and regulate energy levels. B12 contributes to how quickly our cells are oxygenated, as well as the distribution of chemicals vital to mood, such as dopamine and serotonin. You can take a daily supplement of B12, and you can also increase your B12 levels naturally through diet.
Common foods that contain high amounts of Vitamin B12 are eggs, dairy products like yogurt and milk, and fish and beef. Incorporating these foods into your diet is guaranteed to boost your energy and your productivity with higher B12 levels, and as a side benefit, you will also be eating healthier in general.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most well-known nutrients that you can provide your body with to support its health. Almost everyone does not get enough Vitamin C , and there are many ways to increase the amount you get through your dietary choices. For instance, try to consume some of your fruits and vegetables raw, as this means you will get more Vitamin C.
Classic fruits such as grapefruit, kiwi, mango, and orange make for a delicious and healthy snack at any time of day, that are also full of this essential vitamin. There are also packets of dense Vitamin C that provide delicious flavor, which dissolve into your water or other liquids.

Dietary Fiber

Fiber is an essential element in keeping your digestive system healthy, and can contribute to normal cholesterol levels, even decreasing risk of common conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables is an excellent source of fiber.
In addition, whole grains like barley, quinoa, and bulgar wheat, along with popular choices like brown rice, are more enriched with dietary fiber. Integrating fiber in your diet with multiple sources in your various snacks and meals with ensure that your digestive system is functioning at its best.
When analyzing how you feel on a daily basis, it is important to think about what foods you are consuming, and whether you are receiving enough of the nutrients that are most vital for your body's health. With these tips, you are guaranteed to feel much better with a more balanced and healthy diet.