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Menu for a Vegan Diet

Shashank Nakate
It is necessary to follow a healthy and balanced diet. Although many find it difficult, it is completely possible if the daily menu is planned properly. The vegan diet menu illustrated here provides us with a diet devoid of cholesterol and fats.
The vegan diet menu includes items obtained from plants, such as cereals, legumes, vegetables, etc. If planned properly, this kind of diet provides proper nutrition to the body and keeps us healthy. Also, the high fiber content keeps most digestion-related problems at bay.
It is possible to nourish the body even with a completely vegan diet. It is helpful in maintaining a healthy body. Moreover, the side-effects of consuming meat and poultry products are totally eliminated. This is because vegan diets do not allow any animal products at all, not even dairy products.
Many Americans are now resorting to veganism, owing to the health benefits it offers. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, USA too, has recommended the inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Vegan Diet with Low Carbohydrates

The following plan includes information about a few vegan recipes. For a diet that is low on carbohydrates, one should start the day with a whole grain meal. An orange and a bowl of oats serves the purpose in this case.
To prepare the oat breakfast, the following ingredients are required:
  • soy milk, 1 cup
  • rolled oats, ½ cup
  • dried raspberries, 1-2 tbsp.
  • walnut halves, 4
Soy milk should be added to the rolled oats, and kept in the microwave for 2 minutes. Once the mixture cools down, chopped walnuts should be added.
Having a salad for lunch, with a variety of lettuces and vegetables, is a good option. In order to prepare this, one would require:
  • a blend of different lettuces and vegetables
  • low-carb oil, 2 tbsp.
  • marinated baked tofu, 3½ oz.
  • vegetables like tomato, avocado, carrots, celery, broccoli, etc.
These contents should be mixed in a huge bowl without cooking them.
Fruits like watermelons, peaches, and papayas can be used as snacks. They not only satiate hunger, but are also low in carbohydrates.
Brown rice makes for perfect dinner. The ingredients needed for the preparation of this dish are:
  • organic brown rice, ½ cup
  • olive oil, 1-2 tbsp.
  • vegetables, 2-3 cups
The rice and vegetables can either be steamed in the oven or on a stove. Olive oil should be added while stirring the rice and vegetables, in order to loosen the grains.

Vegan Diet for Weight Loss

Those who wish to lose weight, should incorporate fruits and vegetables in their daily diet. For breakfast, intake of oatmeal sprinkled with wheat germ is recommended. You can also include an apple or a pear.
The diet for lunch should include green salad (2 cups), fruit salad (1 cup), vinegar (raspberry and balsamic 1 tbsp. Each), and lemon juice. Regular pasta, whole-wheat pasta, soy chunks, tomato sauce, oranges, and broccoli form the ingredients of a healthy dinner.

Benefits of Veganism

Veganism helps in maintaining the ecological balance, since it doesn't disturb the food chain. The digestion of meat takes a longer time, and is subject to decaying and rotting in the intestine. It releases free radicals in our body, and adds to the process of wear and tear.
The human digestive system is more than double the length of the lion's; therefore, the digestion is slow. Moreover, raw meat eaten by lions, contains all the enzymes present in its natural state. Thus, digesting food is easier for them. The digestive system of human beings is weak in comparison to theirs and thus, cannot digest meat in its natural state.
Cooking the meat destroys the enzymes, and requires extra efforts on the part of the human digestive system to break down the food. It creates pressure on the system, and results into further complications like constipation. Thus, we can say that veganism keeps us healthy, and helps maintain the ecological balance.
These diet menu plans guide the readers about the consumption of a healthy diet. The vegan diet, if planned properly, provides nutrition to the body without causing any side effects. Bon appétit!