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14 Types of Dates That You Didn't Know

Here are 14 types of dates that have their own uniqueness.
Amruta Joshi
1. Safawi Dates
Safawi dates are very sweet in taste and mainly grown in Saudi Arabia.
Medjool dates are very rich, sweet, and delicious.
2. Medjool Dates
Sukkari Dates are also called as the “King of the Dates,” and they will melt in your mouth.
3. Sukkari Dates
They are ideal for people who enjoy dates but do not like them to be overly sweet.
4. Maktoom Dates
Mazafati dates are loaded with vitamins, fiber and potassium.
5. Mazafati Dates
Barhi dates are the sweetest of all dates with a fresh golden color.
6. Barhi Dates
Rabbi Dates are oval-shaped with an attractive reddish black color.
7. Rabbi Dates
They have a nutty flavor and are called the bread date because they are ideal for baking.
8. Thoory Dates
Sayer Dates are semi-dry with a unique soft texture and a sweet flavor.
9. Sayer Dates
Halawy dates are soft dates that taste like honey or caramel.
10. Halawy Dates
Khudri dates contain calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, folic acid, and vitamins.
11. Khudri Dates
They are full of syrup, and you can use them for cooking.
12. Zahidi Dates
13. Kalmi Dates
Kalmi dates are dry, rich, and they are originally from Oman.
They are one of the more expensive varieties of dates that are available in market.
14. Warehouse Dates