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Tap Water Facts

Most houses make use of tap water, which is also known as municipal water or city water. But how safe is it? Know all from this story presenting some of the little known tap water facts.
Rajib Singha
Next to air, comes water, which makes life sustainable on our planet. You can probably go without food for some days, but not without water. Pure water is odorless, colorless and without any taste. It is required by the body to supply oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
It is also one of the most important requirements for digestion and for the body to absorb food. Apart from this, water works as a natural agent for detoxifying the body and keeping it air-conditioned.
There are other several kinds of functions that water does for the body, and that is why it is essential that the water we drink must be pure and clean of any impurities.

Some Known and Some Unknown Facts About Tap Water

  • In the United States about 85% of the places, the water contains arsenic. This compound that is known to cause cancer and many other diseases like high blood pressure, behavioral disorders in children, low IQ, and issues with the reproductive and central nervous system.
  • According to reports, tap water in the US is treated with about 60,000 chemicals. What is strange to know is, among these, there are only 91 contaminants which are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency's Safe Drinking Water Act (1974).
  • One of the less known facts about tap water is that almost 62 million US citizens were being exposed to water that contained contaminants which are linked with cancer and other diseases. This has been going on since year 2004, according to what surveys revealed.
  • The Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) was set up to regulate the safety standards of tap water. But according to what scientists have revealed, the drinking water purification methods is so out of date, that the tap water in the country possess serious health risks to the citizens.
  • Fluoridated water is still common in the US, while it has been banned in most parts of Europe. This water is not only associated with cancer and infertility, but also increases the risks of developing hip fractures, especially in the elderly.
  • A survey done on about 41 million US citizen, revealed that tap water contained various pharmaceuticals, which included anti-seizure medications, antibiotics, antidepressants and even sex-hormones.
  • It has been found that most tap water supplies make use of lead pipes, that are over 100 years old. Due to this, the water contains heavy amounts of harmful toxins and pollutants, even after it gets treated in the plant.
  • Not all water systems in the city employ filters that are approved by the EPA.
  • According to the reports from the National Resources Defense Council of United States, each year there occurs about 900,000 people fall sick due to contaminated tap water, and 900 die. More shocking is to know that, 50 million of the citizens suffer poisoning from radioactive matter in their tap water.
  • The chemicals which get accumulated in tap water, normally do not have any kind of smell or taste. So people while drinking the water, do not even realize that they are risking their health.
  • The toxins that contaminate the tap water, when get accumulated in the body, do not cause signs or symptoms right away. They take years to surface and by then the body gets severely deteriorated.
All these facts about tap water which have been cited above, can be regarded as the tip of an iceberg. There are myriad other facts, such as these, which we are still aloof of. As there are minute chances of the situation getting improved on the outside, what you can do is, employ the latest in-home water purification technology.
This way you can rest assured that the water you and your family are using is safe and hazard free.