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Benefits of Sunflower Seed Butter

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
The butter made from sunflower seeds contain some of the healthiest nutrients for the heart. It is free from cholesterol and sugar. One can either purchase it for use as bread spread, or make it at home with roasted sunflower seeds. The following story provides information about the various benefits of this butter and how to prepare it at home.
The products of sunflowers are plenty, and most of them have an unmatched value in nutrition aspects. Crispy sunflower seeds are consumed as tasty snacks, or are used in bakery products and savory dishes for additional nutrition. The purported health benefits of these seeds are attributed to the presence of phytosterols, proteins, vitamin E, selenium, and other trace minerals. Similarly, the butter is also a healthy alternative to other nut-based butter.

Nutrition Facts

Before adding these types of butter in the diet menu, the first thing that comes to our mind is their calorie content. As with any type of seeds and nuts, sunflower seeds have moderately high calories. ½ cup of these seeds yield approximately 400 calories. So, one can expect fairly high calories from the butter made from these seeds. Consuming 1 tablespoon of butter provides 93 calories, while serving 1 cup is equivalent to providing 579 calories. Of these, more than ⅔ calories come from fat.
The seeds contain essential fatty acids and has cholesterol-lowering property. The same health benefits can be obtained from the butter also. It contains carbohydrate, healthy fats, protein, vitamin, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and other minerals.

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When added in specific amounts, butter derived from sunflower seeds is useful to minimize the risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases. Also, it is a better food choice for heart patients, as it contains no cholesterol or sugar and negligible amount of salt. But, one needs to monitor the serving amount, as its calorie count is high.

Making Sunflower Butter at Home

Also, those who have allergic reactions to peanuts can enjoy this butter without worrying about the adverse reactions. Despite the difference, the consistency and texture of this butter is identical to that of peanut butter. However, there are not many products of this butter in the market.
In order to make this butter at home, you will need roasted and unsalted sunflower seeds (2 cups), some canola oil, and salt (optional). The choice of buying shelled or shell-less sunflower seeds is up to you. Start by adding the seeds in a food processor and grind them to make a smooth paste. As they start forming a paste, add canola oil and salt slowly, and continue mixing it at a low speed. Stop adding the oil, when you get the desired consistency.
Store the butter in a clean jar, and keep it in the refrigerator. One can also use this butter as a substitute for nut butter in nearly all the recipes. One can also bake tasty cookies with this nutty flavored butter. The only thing is to keep a note of the calories present in them, so that you can adjust the amount of this butter added in the daily diet.