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Sugar-free Candy Recipes

Kanika Khara
Candies are enjoyed by people of all ages. Here are some simple sugar-free candy recipes that will entice your taste buds and will also help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Fudge Candy


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  • 13 oz. can of skim evaporated milk
  • 2½ cup cereal crumbs
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar replacement

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  • ¼ cup nuts
  • 3 tbsp. Cocoa
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup butter and salt
Making Directions
In a saucepan, mix milk and cocoa, and cook over low flame, till the cocoa dissolves. Add butter, vanilla, sugar replacement and salt  and bring it to a boil. Now reduce heat and cook for 2 - 3 minutes. Put the cereal crumbs in, mix well and cook for 15 minutes.
Divide batter in half and roll each half into a tube about 8 inches long. Coat each tube with finely chopped nuts and wrap in waxed paper. Chill overnight, cut into ¼-inch slices and enjoy.
Sugar-free Candy Bars
✦ 6 - 8 bread slices
✦ 1 tbsp. wheat germ
✦ ¼ cup peanut butter
✦ 2 tbsp. chopped nuts
✦ 1 tsp. cocoa (optional)
Trim crust from bread, cut in half.

Dry overnight or bake at 350°F for 30 mins.

Crumble crust, add wheat germ, nuts, peanut butter; mix.
Making Directions
Add peanut oil until thin. Dip bread in mixture, roll in nuts, serve.
Maple Candy

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✦ 2 - 4 cups sugar-free maple syrup
✦ ¼ cup butter
✦ 1 cup nut meats chopped
✦ 1 cup cream
✦ 1 tsp. lemon extract
Making Directions
In a saucepan, boil syrup, cream, and butter for 9-10 minutes.

Remove from heat and add nuts, lemon extract; stir for 5 minutes.

Pour into molds, cool, cut, and enjoy.
Sugar-free Gummy Candy

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✦ Sugar-free flavored gelatin package
✦ ½ cup cold water
✦ 6 packages unflavored gelatin
✦ 2-3 candy molds, sized for cavities
Making Directions
Mix gelatins, water in saucepan.

Cook over medium flame, stir till liquefied.

Remove from heat.
Spray the candy molds with nonstick cooking spray and pour the mixture.

Cool and place in the freezer for 10-12 minutes to solidify.

Remove carefully from the molds and enjoy.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge
✦ 1 oz. unsweetened chocolate
✦ 3 tsp. peanut butter
✦ 1 cup sugar substitute
✦ 8 oz. cream cheese
Microwave peanut butter and cream cheese together, stirring occasionally for 2 minutes.

Melt chocolate separately until creamy.
Making Directions
Mix melted chocolate with cream cheese and peanut mixture, add sugar substitute, pour into pan, refrigerate 4 hours.

Cut into squares, serve.
Chocolate Rum Balls
✦ 1 - 1½ cup almond flour
✦ 5 tbsp cocoa powder
✦ Low-calorie sweetener
✦ Rum/brandy/whiskey (according to taste)
✦ Softened butter
✦ Vanilla essence
Making Directions
Mix almond flour, cocoa, butter, and sweetener.

Add 2-3 tbsp of rum/brandy/whiskey and vanilla; adjust with water for less alcohol.

Blend until combined.
Form balls, refrigerate a few days, then enjoy.

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These were some luscious and easy to prepare sugar-free candies. You can try preparing these candies at home and enjoy with your loved ones without ruining your healthy diet plan.