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Soy Protein Side Effects

Madhura Pandit
Consuming soy products can lead to side effects only when they are consumed in large amounts and for a long time. If you are consuming it on a regular basis, you should be aware of these potential negative effects.
Soy is one of the richest vegan sources of proteins. Proteins are one of the most essential nutrients required by human beings as they are essential for building muscles, and for tissue repair in the body.
All soy products like the soybeans, powder, protein, tofu, etc., contain good amounts of proteins. These foods are recommended to people who wish to have a high protein diet. However, there are claims of dangers associated with soy.

Side Effects of Soy

It should be noted that, usually, side effects of soy are observed in people who are allergic to it. In that case, indigestion, disorders of the pancreas and the gastrointestinal tract, etc., may be experienced on consuming soy protein and supplements. Unfermented soy, specifically, leads to abdominal discomfort.
On the other hand, if you are not allergic to soy, then you might experience certain negative effects if you consume soy protein and supplements in large amounts. But, according to recent claims, the given potential effects of soy cannot be ignored.
  • Indigestion is one of the most common side effects observed on consuming soy. This is because soy contains lectin which affects the process of digestion.
  • Soy is believed to be associated with thyroid diseases. It contains a substance known as goitrogens which suppresses the function of thyroid, resulting in thyroid diseases.
  • There is a lot of controversy about the role of soy in causing cancer. Women, having a history of breast cancer, are advised against consuming soy products.
  • Soy affects the hormone system in the body. It is also believed to lead to an imbalance in the estrogen-testosterone levels in men.
Now, you may wonder, if there are so many side effects associated with soy, how is it so extensively used in Asian cuisine? Well, in fact, in Asian cuisine, soy is used in small amounts. Secondly, they use fermented soy (as in miso, tempeh) which does not cause as many health problems as unfermented soy products.
Secondly, boiling and soaking soy also helps in getting rid of trypsin inhibitors (a chemical). Following proper technique of eating soy can reduce its side effects to a great extent (again, as long as you are not allergic to it).

Overview on Soy Protein

When eaten in moderate amounts and in the right manner, soy can actually be beneficial due to its nutritional properties. Soy protein is the best substitute for people who do not wish to go for meat and meat based products. As mentioned earlier, it is a rich vegan source of protein.
➡ It is associated with several health benefits like reducing cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart diseases.

➡ It is also believed to alleviate the symptoms of menopause in women, and also reduce the risk of osteoporosis in older people.
➡ Similarly, as mentioned earlier, body builders are also advised to go for soy proteins and soy products to gain all the necessary amounts of protein required for building muscle.
The side effects may not be experienced by all people. However, it is safe to consult the doctor if you are including soy protein or soy supplements in your diet on a regular basis. Take care!
Disclaimer: This is meant only to provide information. It is not to be substituted for expert medical advice.