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Slow Burning Carbs

Aparna Jadhav
Our body, along with other nutrients, uses both fast burning and slow burning carbs, to produce energy required for various activities. Find more about slow burning carbs, which are those that take time to be used up.
It is a known fact, that we need energy to perform certain physical and metabolic functions to keep the body healthy. This energy is produced through metabolism of the nutrients such as fats, carbs and proteins obtained from our diet. The body uses fats first, as they are the easiest to break down, then the carbs and lastly proteins to produce this energy.
After the breakdown of fats, the carbohydrates that belong to two categories, are used up. The first of these carbohydrates are called simple carbs, which are easily absorbed and used as an immediate source of energy, and the second are complex carbs, that take time to be broken down, absorbed and thus are slower in energy production.
They are therefore known as "slow burning carbs" or "complex carbohydrates" as they take a longer time to be digested. This property, however works as a benefit for your body since they can keep you filled for a longer time and you don't get hungry at irregular times. Find the foods rich in these carbs mentioned in the following paragraphs.

What Are Slow Burning Carbs?

When you exercise or carry out vigorous activities, the fats in the body are burnt up, which causes considerable weight loss. After the useful fats are consumed, the next nutrients used for energy production are simple carbs which are easy to digest.
This is then followed by the breakdown of complex carbohydrates, which are tougher to digest. In case of starvation, the body uses these and then moves on to use the stored proteins which leads to muscle loss or excess weight loss, that could be unhealthy.
To stop the body from reaching the proteins, there needs to be a considerable amount present in our body. Therefore, you need to consume a good amount of foods that are rich in these carbohydrates. The sources of which are put together in the paragraphs mentioned here, take a look.

Foods' List

Since these carbohydrates are essential for the overall functioning of our body and its metabolism, you need to find out which foods are rich in them. Make sure you include the foods mentioned here in your diet so that your body is rich with it and your proteins are safe from being consumed for energy production.


If you are looking for a healthy diet, you need to find out what are the things that are missing in your daily diet. Eating three meals a day with foods which include all the necessary nutrients is not enough.
Finding out your food's nutritional values and consuming the right amount of each of them is also crucial. The sources include fruits, such as; grapefruit, oranges, prunes apples, dried apricots, plums, pears, strawberries, and yams. Drinking juices of these fruits is usually not advised as the carbs are present in the raw fruits.


Like fruits, there are various vegetables as well. These are; spinach, lettuce, asparagus, okras, celery, cabbage, radishes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, onion, eggplant, water cress, artichokes, turnip greens, cauliflower, carrot and potato, beans and lentils such as; kidney beans, soybeans, split peas, Garbanzo beans, pinto beans, Navy beans, etc.
Even though all these vegetables and beans cannot be eaten raw, there are a few like radish, cucumber and carrots that can be consumed fresh and raw. Making delicious preparations of other vegetables could be great options for lunch and dinner.

Whole Grains

Whole grains and their bran such as; barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, oat bran, amaranth, museli, brown rice, millet, wheat germ, cornmeal, and wild rice are some of the best sources.
Preparations such as bread, pasta, buns and cakes can be delicious menu ideas when paired with the previously mentioned fruits and vegetables. Yogurt and skim milk are also good sources of slow carbs that could be consumed with whole grain foods.
With these sources put together for you, hope you've designed a new diet plan for yourself! Slow burning carbs are usually included in the diets of athletes and sportsmen such as marathon runners, as they need long-lasting energy sources.
Well, eating one large bowl of these foods than eating lunch and dinner that includes fatty foods, is any day more healthy and filling. So, try it out!