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Skim Milk Vs. Almond Milk

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There's a low-fat version of nearly every food item and the nonfat version of milk is skim milk. A vegetarian version of milk is almond milk, which combines the goodness of almonds and milk, in one tasty beverage. Read on, for a comparison between the two milk types.
Water may be a thirst quencher and body coolant, but milk is the beverage for a healthy, solid body and a sound mind, especially for youngsters. The reputation of milk, as a nutrient filled beverage, is established and unchallenged but when it comes to body weight and mass, milk has taken a bashing for its fat content.
Drinking too much regular or creamy milk can increase your fat intake and hence, variations with less fat are sought. There's low-fat, 2% fat and of course, skim milk. On the other side of the spectrum, there are vegetarian milk variants, where the milk is obtained from fruits and grains, instead of animals.
Among such vegan varieties, are soy, coconut and almond milk.
While the benefits of almond milk are well-known and skim milk is preferred amongst weight watchers as an alternative to regular milk, which one is better and why? In this story, learn about each respective milk type and their respective nutritional count, in a skim milk vs almond milk face-off.
Skim Milk
Cream or milk-fat is a key component of whole milk. When this is removed either completely or partially, the milk product is skimmed or skim milk. When just half of the cream is removed, the milk is called semi skinned. Whole milk has 4% of fat content, while skimmed milk has between 0%-0.5% of fat.
Skim milk is different from low-fat and reduced-fat milk varieties, as these contain some percentage of milk-fat, while skim milk has none or very little. Skim milk can also be called non-fat or fat-free milk.
For those trying to lose weight or cut down on fat and cream, skim milk makes an ideal substitute for whole milk. It can be used in pure form, like adding it to cereal or used in place of cream and normal milk, such as in coffee and tea. Skim milk can even be used in cooking to make a low-fat or healthier version of the food.
Certain heavy and rich recipes especially those with white sauce, have a high fat content but by substituting skim milk in place of regular milk, fat levels can be reduced.
There have been complaints about the taste and color of skim milk. Since cream is non-existent in skim milk, it's obvious that the full-bodied, thick taste and feel of whole milk is missing in skim milk, which is also slightly thinner in texture. Skim milk is slightly bluish white or chalky in appearance.
Almond Milk
This variety of milk is of vegetable sources, as it is produced from the juice of ground or smashed almonds. It can be easily made at home or is available from organic and health-food brands.
Due to its non-animal source, it is cholesterol and lactose free, making it an ideal milk substitute for those with lactose allergies and those following a completely vegetarian diet. Like skim milk, it can be used as a substitute for milk in cooking. Almond milk is a refreshing beverage for those looking for a change from coconut and soy milk.
Almond milk has a light and thinner and fresh feel to it, when compared to whole milk. There's a slight nuttier bite or flavor to the milk, obviously due to the presence of nuts. It is thinner in texture than whole milk and can be a bit watery. But it is naturally sweet and requires little sugar or added sweetness.
It can be found in original or plain almond form and there are flavored varieties like chocolate and vanilla. Its flavor, like whole milk, does not influence the flavor of the food it is blended with.
Skim Milk Vs Almond Milk - Nutritional Analysis
Name - Skim Milk, Calcium fortified (1 cup, 247 ml)
Fat -
 0.44 g
Cholesterol - 
5 mg
Calories - 
Protein - 
8 g
Carbohydrate - 
12 g
Sugar - 
12 g
Sodium - 
128 mg
Potassium - 
410 mg

Name - Horizon® Organic Fat-Free Milk (1 cup, 240 ml)
Fat - 0 g
Cholesterol - 5 mg
Calories - 90
Protein - 8 g
Carbohydrate - 13 g
Sugar - 12 g
Sodium - 130 mg
Potassium - 400 mg
Name - Blue Diamond Almond Breeze® Original (1 cup, 240 ml)
Fat - 2.5 g
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Calories - 60
Protein - 1 g
Carbohydrate - 8 g
Sugar - 7 g
Sodium - 150 mg
Potassium - 180 mg
From the above comparison, one might ask, "Is almond milk better than skim milk?", as it has no cholesterol, less calories and sugar. But on the flip side, almond milk has a higher sodium content and less protein, so the overall benefit of drinking milk for growth is lessened.
But both have low-fat, low cholesterol and less calories, when compared to regular milk. Skim milk has higher iron, Vitamin A and Vitamin C levels as compared to almond milk. In the end, it is a toss-up, as those using only almond milk will need to supplement their calcium and protein intake with other foods.
So ultimately who's the winner in this debate? Well, choosing between the two depends on your dietary preferences and rules. Almond milk is ideal for a vegetarian lifestyle unless you are allergic to nuts and nut products. For those with lactose allergies, it is a lifesaver.
Skim milk is good for dieting and cutting down on fat in your daily foods but consume in moderation. For children below 4 years old, it is not recommended to drink either almond milk or skim milk, because a growing child needs a complete source of calcium and other nutrients and fat content at that age is not an issue.
The bottom line is both milk variants are good substitutes for milk with different nutritional values.