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Simple Detox Diet

Saptakee Sengupta
A detox diet should be followed for a certain period, if you are consuming heavily spiced, greasy, and oily foods regularly. A few diet plans have been explained in this story for your help.
Regular consumption of heavy and spicy foods would deteriorate your digestive health and you would become more susceptible to intestinal disorders. Your system becomes toxic, which is a consequence of production of gases and free radicals inside your body.
Thus, the need arises to detoxify your body from these harmful substances by following a simple, yet effective detox diet for a certain period. Flushing out toxins from the body is quite possible by following a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, capable of countering the effect of toxins.

Diet Plan

Knowing the benefits of a detox diet would definitely prove useful and you would be encouraged to stick to the natural diet for the time being. You cannot jump into the plan immediately by sacrificing your favorite foods. Take at least 3 days to get accustomed to the diet foods and then you will enjoy the difference.
Plan ahead with a goal and follow a diet that will suit your system. While being on a detox diet, shop only for foods that will detoxify your body.

Fruit Diet

The most effective detoxifying agents are citrus fruits. Consume citrus and watery fruits continuously for two days. Start your day with a glass of fresh lemon juice stirred with honey. You can also add crushed holy basil leaves to it. After one hour, have a dish of assorted vegetables mixed with citrus fruits.
Your plate will contain broccoli, cucumber, oranges, melons, cantaloupes, watermelon, grapes, etc.
Eat as much as possible, till your hunger is satisfied completely. During lunch time, have a light water-based soup. Have slices of apples and pineapples in the afternoon. Fruit salad or vegetable salad is preferred for dinner. During these two days, you have to restrict yourself from consuming aerated drinks, fast food, and canned juices.
Have green tea as a beverage. Along with these, have at least 3 liters of warm water throughout the day.

Juice Diet

A natural detoxifying diet comprising fresh fruits and vegetable juices, is effective in eliminating harmful toxins from your body. Juice made from sweet lime, watermelon, pineapple, oranges, grapes, are rich in antitoxins and minerals. Go for a liquid diet for 3 days and notice the difference. Vegetables, like yam, spinach, green turnip, radish, tomatoes, act as excellent detoxifying agents.
Juices also prevent you from gaining unnecessary weight. Have juices in natural form, without adding sugar and salt. A glass of fresh, mixed fruit juice along with a plate of boiled vegetables is the right way to start your day with this simple diet.
You can alternate the menu for lunch by drinking vegetable juices with fruit salads. For dinner, have carrot salad mixed with pineapples, peaches, pears, berries, and pomegranates.

Soup Diet

Soups are essential to keep you full throughout the day. Prepare your soups without adding spices, as it will be more effective. Boil the vegetables in salt and pepper and drink it warm without garnishing with cheese or butter. This would cause a good detoxification of the body without any side effects.
Have soups for the next two days along with plenty of water and fruits. To add variety to the taste and flavor, you can stir in coconut milk in the soup. While following a soup diet, eat yogurt or drink buttermilk in the afternoon.
You can sauté the vegetables in extra virgin olive oil. Lentils, dried fruits, baked fish are some healthy options for this diet. Keep them as side dishes for your soup diet menu.
While on this diet, you will experience lightness from within. People suffering from acidity problem should supplement citrus fruits with vegetables. At some point or the other, we need to implement these diet plans to improve our metabolism and enhance digestion.
Eating light and easily digestible foods, provide rest to our digestive system. When toxins get flushed out from the body, you will also find a natural glow on the skin.