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Lesser-known Benefits of Sarsaparilla

Bhakti Satalkar
Sarsaparilla is a natural herb that has a number of benefits. One of the many sarsaparilla benefits is its ability to treat liver conditions. Here, we will see what are the other benefits of this herb.
Sarsaparilla is a vine-like woody plant, indigenous to Central and South American rainforests, Mexico, certain parts of Australia, the Caribbean Islands, Jamaica, as well as certain parts of South East Asia. It was introduced to Europe in the late 15th century. The scientific name of this plant is Smilax regelii and it belongs to the Smilacaceae family.
This vine is known to reach up to fifty feet in height. It bears small flowers and black, blue, or red berry-like fruits. The roots of sarsaparilla are long and tuberous. It has a spicy-sweet and pleasant taste when it is processed. However, before processing, the roots are bitter and sticky, and often tend to have a strong odor.
Since, there are many benefits of this plant, it has been used for centuries in the manufacturing of herbal medicines.

Benefits of Sarsaparilla

The first health benefit is that it is a great blood purifier and tonic which boosts stamina and energy. It is considered as a fine tonic herb with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Sarsaparilla is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, as well as Vitamin D. It is also a rich source of iron, manganese, sodium, silicon, sulfur, copper, zinc, and iodine. It also contains amino acids.
● It is used to treat nervous system disorders.

● It is also used in psoriasis and eczema treatment. Sarsaparilla contains saponin, which helps disable bacterial components called endotoxins, which show up in the bloodstreams of people afflicted with psoriasis.
● Patients suffering from inflammatory disorders, like rheumatism and gout, have benefited from the regular consumption of sarsaparilla. However, it does not help in relieving acute cases of gout, but its use helps in preventing attacks when it is taken over a period of couple of months.
● One of the benefits is its use as a diuretic and laxative. It helps the body to get rid of excess water from and also helps to treat mild case of constipation.

● Sarsaparilla is also known to induce sweating, thereby purifying the blood.
● It is also known to increase the excretion of uric acid, which makes it an effective in the treatment for urinary tract infections and other complications that involve the kidney and liver.

● The most famous among many of the uses of this herb is its use to offset fever and increase body strength and resistance.
● Since it also known to have anti-inflammatory properties, it is said to be effective in alleviating conditions like arthritis.

● The antibacterial properties of this herb are effective in neutralizing internal and external infection, such as abscesses, acne, boils, wounds, and other skin disorders.
● Sarsaparilla is also said to be useful in maintaining the balance of the glandular system.
There are some misconceptions associated with this plant. It is said that it contains plant steroids, which, according to some, are similar to human hormones. However, the body is not able to change the plant steroids into human steroids, hence the claim is not yet confirmed and validated through scientific evidence.
Due to such perceived properties, sarsaparilla has been advertised as a sexual performance enhancer for men and also as steroid replacement for athletes and body builders. Because the claims are not verified, you may not want to fall prey to such false propaganda and avoid any side effects as well.
There are many benefits of sarsaparilla, but before you use this herb to treat any of the disorders, it is recommended that you talk to your health care professional regarding the same. Since the exact dosage to treat various conditions has not been established, altering the dosage can result in dangerous complications.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.