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Benefits of Rutin

Sonia Nair
Rutin is a natural bioflavonoid with various health benefits. Read on to know more about some of its benefits.
Food products derived from plants are associated with various health benefits. It is a common fact that fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients. Apart from providing us with vitamins, minerals and fiber, these foods contain certain compounds, called flavonoids or bioflavonoids.
These natural pigments in fruits and vegetables are reported to be beneficial for human health. Flavonoids are also referred to as vitamin P, but, some researchers oppose this categorization, as there is no substantive evidence to prove their health benefits for humans. However, studies on animals show that flavonoids have many health benefits.
Various properties of flavonoids can be beneficial for human health. The beneficial effects of green tea, red wine and vegetables and fruits are attributed to the presence of flavonoids. One of them is rutin, which is found in buckwheat, citrus fruits and asparagus. It is also available as dietary supplements.

What is Rutin

Rutin is a flavonoid found in some of the fruits, vegetables and other plant food sources. Being a flavonoid, pure rutin is water-soluble and is yellowish-green in color. These compounds are like needle-shaped crystals in structure.
It comprises quercetin (a flavanol) and the disaccharide rutinose. Rutin is otherwise known as citrus bioflavonoid, sophorin, rutoside or oxerutin. Its sources include fruits and rinds like, citrus fruits, berries and apples (peelings).
Apart from that, black tea, buckwheat and many other food items derived from plants are found to contain rutin in fair amounts. This compound got the name from the plant Ruta graveolens, which has very high concentrations of this flavonoid.

Benefits of Rutin

Flavonoids are mostly valued for their antioxidant properties. Rutin, which is one of the important flavonoids, is also a powerful antioxidant with various health benefits.
  • Being an antioxidant, rutin attaches to metal ions like, iron and prevents the reactions that form free radicals, which are responsible for some of the major health problems like, cancer.
  • Rutin is good for the circulatory system, as it makes the capillaries stronger and improves blood circulation. It also acts as a blood thinner and prevents blood clotting. So, this flavonoid is found to be beneficial in controlling and preventing hemorrhoids, varicose veins and skin bruising.
  • It aids the body in utilizing vitamin C. It is said that rutin taken with vitamin C makes the latter more efficient.
  • Apart from that, it maintains the level of collagen in the skin. This prevents signs of aging, such as wrinkles and skin damage.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, which are good for alleviating inflammation caused by diseases. It may be beneficial in reducing venous edema of the legs.
It is said that with all these properties, rutin can be effective in preventing conditions like cancer, stroke, arteriosclerosis, osteoarthritis, diabetic retinopathy and heart disease. It is also said to be good for those with hemorrhoids. Nowadays, rutin is also available as a dietary supplement, which has to be taken as per the prescribed dosage.
However, consulting your doctor before starting such supplements is recommended. Though rutin side effects are rare, there are some cases of dizziness, headache, palpitations, muscle stiffness, weakness and diarrhea experienced by people after consuming it. Some people may also experience allergic reaction.
Disclaimer: This item is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.