Reishi mushrooms can boost the immune system, improve the heart health and can reduce inflammation. Read on to know some more benefits of this mushroom.
Reishi Mushrooms, known as Ling-Zhi in the Chinese language, have been used in the eastern countries for centuries to cure various ailments and diseases. In ancient times, tea made from reishi mushrooms was consumed by the royalty in eastern countries to have a long life.
This perhaps gave them the name "king of herbs". Like all mushrooms, they grow in thread like networks under the ground, mostly around the organic wastes, from where they derive their nutrients.
It is only recently that western countries have woken up to the amazing health benefits that Reishi mushrooms can provide. These days, Rishi mushrooms are consumed as capsules, concentrated tablets, liquid extracts and in dry form, by a number of people to improve their health condition. Below is a list of all the reishi mushroom benefits.
Health Benefits
Reishi mushrooms are non-toxic, i.e. even if they are taken everyday, they will not produce any kind of side effects.
Reishi mushrooms are very beneficial for normal organ functioning, if taken everyday.
They help in regulating the immune system of the body and also makes it strong.
Polysaccharides and triterpenes, two components in reishi mushrooms are believed to be therapeutic in nature, i.e. they reduce inflammation and aid in increasing the blood flow.
Pain that is caused by the infection of herpes zoster virus and other inflammatory conditions such as neuralgia, can be treated with reishi Mushrooms.
Intake of reishi mushrooms by patients of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and even heart disease is said to minimize their symptoms in them.
They are known for their antioxidant properties. When they are taken together with antioxidant vitamins, they can be extremely effective. It is believed that reishi mushrooms can prevent certain cancers and can suppress the growth of the tumors.
These mushrooms are not only beneficial for the body, but they have many stress reducing properties too. They can induce normal sleeping patterns in a person suffering from stress. It can minimize the symptoms of high altitude stress as well.
Another benefit is that it helps in providing relief from respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis. They strengthen the bronchial cells and minimize coughing in a person.
Red reishi mushrooms aid in lowering the serum cholesterol levels in a person, and thus, serves as a very useful tonic for important body organs such as heart and liver.
Reishi mushroom is immensely beneficial for the mind and the body, the only drawback being the side effects it may produce, some of which are discomfort in stomach, dry mouth, bleeding from the nose, inability to sleep, tiredness and dizziness.
Also, women who are pregnant and people who are on some blood thinning drugs, should avoid taking reishi mushrooms as it can have adverse effects on their health.
So proper consultation regarding their intake from a well-known herbalist, is recommended to avoid these side effects and to enjoy their health benefits.