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Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Chandramita Bora
Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apple must with the help of yeasts and acetobacter. This vinegar is renowned for its benefits for various aliments. Find out more about this vinegar and its health benefits, in this Story.
Vinegar is basically a fermentation product, that has found a wide range applications in human society. The healing properties of raw apple cider vinegar is not a new discovery, rather it has been used for treating a number of ailments for a long time. Recent studies have also pointed out the immense benefits of this vinegar. This vinegar is basically made from apple must.

How is It Made?

As mentioned already, it is a product of alcoholic fermentation. First of all, apples are crushed to squeeze out the liquid, to which yeasts are added to start the process of fermentation. Yeasts help break down sugar, and convert it to alcohol. Alcohol is then converted into vinegar or acetic acid by adding acetobacter.
Vinegar can also be made from many other fruits and vegetables. It can be used for cleaning household items, killing weeds, and for treating a number of diseases. It is also used for making pickles and for tenderizing meat.

Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

This vinegar is known for numerous health benefits, some of which have not been established scientifically, while a few have been supported by some studies.
  • Apple cider vinegar has been observed to lower the level of blood glucose in a few scientific studies.
  • This vinegar can dissolve the acid crystals deposited in the joints, which are responsible for causing joint stiffness and pain associated with condition like arthritis and gout. By dissolving such acid crystals, vinegar can facilitate their expulsion from the body.
  • It can also lower the level of blood cholesterol, and hence, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Vinegar may help detoxify the body. It can help remove the toxic substances from the body, and cleanse the lymph nodes, and thus improve the functions of the lymphatic system.
  • Vinegar is also an excellent remedy for digestive ailments like indigestion, as it can ensure proper digestion of food.
  • Some animal studies have pointed out that this vinegar can also lower blood pressure.
  • Due to its antioxidant properties, apple cider vinegar can provide protection against the oxidative damage caused by the free radicals. It can also boost the immune system.
  • Malic acid, found in this vinegar, can help destroy bacteria and fungi, while the main component of vinegar, i.e., acetic acid can help maintain the pH of blood.
  • This vinegar contains several vital minerals, including magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, and some trace minerals, that are crucial for the vital biochemical processes taking place within our body.
  • Apart from these, raw cider vinegar can help get rid of dandruff and ensure the healthy growth of hair. It is usually diluted with water, and then used as a hair rinse to remove dandruff. It can also restore the normal pH of the scalp and hair, improve skin tone and texture, and control acne breakouts.
Despite all its health benefits, vinegar should be used with adequate care, especially if you are going to use it for therapeutic purposes. Raw apple cider vinegar is highly acidic; so, be sure to dilute it before taking it internally. 
This vinegar can damage the tooth enamel, interact with certain medications, like laxatives, diuretics, and drugs used for treating heart disease and diabetes, and lower the level of potassium in the body, if used for a long time.
It contains chromium, which can affect the level of insulin in the body, and so, diabetic patients should be careful while using this vinegar.
To sum up, the occasional use of raw apple cider vinegar as a salad dressing, or for making pickles and marinating is quite safe. However, its regular and excessive use can pose certain health risks. Before using this vinegar for medicinal purposes, one should discuss the issue with his or her health care provider.
Disclaimer: This Story is for informative purposes only, and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice.