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Radish Health Benefits

Pragya T
Radishes add great taste to salads, and one can also make many dishes using this root crop. Here, we will provide you with a number of radish health benefits.
There are five main varieties of radishes. The red globe variety is small, round, and oval in shape. It is also called button red radish. It can have diameter of 1-4 inches. It has solid and crisp flesh.
The black variety is turnip-like in shape. It has a dull black or dark brownish skin. When it is peeled, one can see the white flesh. It tastes quite pungent, and is drier than other varieties. However, it has a longer shelf life compared to most others.
The Daikon variety is native to Asia, these are very large and carrot-shaped. Daikons have white flesh, and is juicy and a bit hotter than the red variety. White icicles is another variety that is long and grows up to half a foot and is tapered in shape. They have a white flesh, which is milder than the red variety.
The fifth variety is the California mammoth white. These types have oblong-shaped roots, and have flesh that tastes slightly pungent. These were the different types of this plant, now let us discuss its nutritional value and radish health benefits.

Nutritional Value

  • This vegetable is known for its anti-bacterial and antifungal property.
  • It belongs to the cabbage family, and has vitamin C, potassium, sodium, and traces of other minerals.
  • It is low in saturated fat and very low in cholesterol.
  • It is a good source of riboflavin, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, copper, and manganese.
  • It is an excellent source of dietary fiber, folate, vitamin C, and potassium.

Health Benefits

● This vegetable is a very good source of dietary fiber, and can be helpful in natural weight loss. After eating it, one will feel full for a longer period.
● It is a rich source of roughage, which are indigestible carbohydrates. This facilitates in digestion, helps in retaining water and curing constipation, thus providing relief in piles. Also, its detoxifying power helps to get rid of piles faster.
● Being a good detoxifier and rich source of vitamin C and anthocyanins, it helps to cure many kinds of cancer, particularly cancers related to intestines, stomach, colon, and kidney. For example, the Daikon variety helps in inhibiting the formation of dangerous chemicals in the body.
Also, the red variety due to the nutrient lycopene in it is very beneficial. Lycopene can dramatically help to lower the risk of prostate cancer.

● It is a diuretic, and thus helps in increasing urine production. Its juice helps in treating inflammation and burning feeling during urinating. Hence, is very helpful to treat urinary disorders.
● It is very good for the liver and stomach. It helps to detox and purify blood and thus, very helpful in jaundice. It checks the destruction of red blood cells during jaundice by increasing the supply of fresh oxygen in the blood.
● Due to its detoxifying and anti-carcinogenic properties, it is useful in treating leukoderma. Its seeds are powdered and soaked in vinegar and then applied on white patches.

● Due to its vitamin C, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin B6 content, it is used in treating many skin disorders. It helps to maintain the moisture of the skin and disinfect many rashes.
● It is an anti-congestive, and helps in treating many respiratory system-related problems. It is also rich in vitamins and a good disinfectant, hence, its health benefits are used in protecting the respiratory system from many infections.
● As it has anti-pruritic properties, it can be used as an effective treatment for insect bites, stings of bees, wasps, and hornets. Its juice helps in reducing pain and swelling, and soothes the affected area.

● When mixed with black salt, its juice helps to bring the body temperature down.
So, you can have a glass of radish juice or add it to salad to get all the given benefits. To make your salads even more crunchy, you can soak washed and trimmed radishes in ice water for a couple of hours and then serve them, to enhance their crispness and flavor.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.