How much do you know about the conical, green cherimoya fruit. Let's find out...
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Native to south and Central America, this fruit is typically grown in tropical regions of the world.
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Cherimoya bears semblance to a cross between a custard apple and an artichoke. Its flesh is creamy and tastes a lot like sweet custard.
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The seeds and skin contain a poisonous substance, which when consumed in large quantities can prove deleterious to one's nervous system.
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The quickest way to enjoy the fruit is by slicing it into half and scooping the flesh out with a spoon.
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Cherimoya is also known by the names 'tree of ice cream', 'custard apple', 'ice cream fruit', etc. They're mostly chilled and eaten as a dessert.
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The cherimoya's sweet, creamy flavor profile makes them ideal additions in smoothies, ice-creams, fruit salads, pies, etc.
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In Spain, this fruit is widely grown in the regions of Malaga and Granada. The region has also attained European PDO status (Protected Designation of Origin).
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Applying a paste of powdered unripe Cherimoya and water on one's head can help get rid of lice.
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According to Berthold Carl, pineapple, mangosteen, and cherimoya are the most superior of all fruits, of which cherimoya reigns supreme!
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Based on the surface irregularity, cherimoya is divided into four types: Lisa, Impresa, Umbonata, and Tuberculata.
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Cherimoyas are frozen, which not only increases their shelf-life but when eaten cold it tastes just like eating frozen ice-cream.
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In Jamaica, the aromatic cherimoya flowers are used as snuff, while the fruit is fermented to make cherimoya liquor.