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The texture of dragon fruit sometimes appears similar to that of kiwifruit because of its black, crunchy seeds.
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Dragon fruit is also nicknamed the “strawberry pear” and is known as pitaya in its native country Mexico.
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The late Fred Karlsson introduced the fruit into Australia from Vietnam, where it is known as thanh long.
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Vitamin C content helps in acne treatment, however vitamin B3 also soothes and moisturizes sunburned skin.
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Dragon fruit is an edible exotic fruit that grows on certain species of cactus plants.
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The large dragon fruit flowers require pollination during the night as they generally whither in the day and only last up to 24 hours.
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Because dragon fruit blooms from evening to midnight, it’s sometimes called “moonflower” or “Queen of the night”.
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During the night, the dragon fruit flowers are pollinated by moths and bats.
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Dragon fruits range from 150 to 1000 grams, or 5 to 35 ounces, in weight and are usually of round shape.
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Dragon fruit producing cacti of the genus Hylocereus are originally native to Mexico. They were transplanted to Central America, probably by Europeans.