Guavas are delicious, succulent apple-like fruits touted as 'super fruits'. Let's have fun and learn some more by playing this trivia...
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Did You Know?
India accounts for 45% of guavas in the world. China and Taiwan follow India in guava production.
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Guavas are actually native to Central America. They were introduced to Asia much later.
Quick Fact
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Health Fact
Guavas are seen to lower blood sugar levels and also reduce fluctuation. Since it has a low glycemic index, it is recommended for diabetics.
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Because guavas are high sources of vitamin C, including them in your diet improves your immunity.
Quick Fact
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Guavas are mostly classified by the colour of their flesh. The most popularly loved guava variety is the Allahabad Safeda.
Good to Know
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Interesting Fact
Guavas naturally contain pectin. However, their pectin content gradually reduces as they ripen. Extra pectin is added to jams if it doesn't thicken naturally.
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Guava tree shrubs begin to bear fruit after 2 years itself and continue bearing fruit for the next 40 years.
Good to Know
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Guavas are available in even red flesh varieties. There are five red-fleshed guava varieties.
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Did You Know ?
Habitat destruction is responsible for the extinction of Jamaican guava. On the other hand, the strawberry guava variety is highly invasive in Hawaii.
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Guava leaves are high in vitamin C and iron, which makes them a perfect home remedy for cough and colds.
Quick Fact
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Did You Know?
There are over 100-500 tiny seeds in the centre of a guava. Wow! That's a lot of seeds. They are high in potassium and help lower blood pressure.
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Did You Know?
Because guavas are high in fibre, they are highly beneficial in improving digestion, alleviating constipation and even diarrhoea.