The phrase less is more is so true of an orange. So simple in its appearance, yet there's so much to this fruit. Let's find out how much we know...
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Quick Fact
Over 600 varieties of oranges are available across the globe. That's a lot of varieties for a simple, round, orange fruit.
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Quick Fact
After Brazil, China holds the second place for producing the largest number of oranges. European Union follows in third place.
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Quick Fact
Scurvy is a health condition caused by the deficiency of Vitamin C. The symptoms are bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, etc. One orange contains 92% of the recommended daily Vitamin C intake.
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Quick Fact
Valencia has so many orange orchards that it leaves a fresh, citrusy aromatic scent all around it. Wow! An amazing place to visit during the blossom season.
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Quick Fact
The sweet variety is used to make juices. The sour/bitter variety is seldom eaten fresh and used to prepare marmalade. Loose-skinned oranges are not actually oranges, but come under the same genus, thus, clubbed together.
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Quick Fact
While making marmalade, the peel is the main ingredient, unlike in jams, where the pulpy fruit is used. Pectin is added to thicken and get a thicker consistency.
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Did You Know?
Gardeners sprinkle dried orange peel powder in their gardens to repel slugs. Dried orange peel is also used for a number of culinary uses to flavor salt, marinades, stews, curries, etc.
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Quick Fact
Mandarin oranges are smaller in size and the peel can be easily separated from the inner fruit by hand itself. Clementine orange comes under this category.
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Quick Fact
Bergamot oranges come under the bitter/sour orange category. They are used primarily to make essential oils and give aroma and freshness to perfumes.
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Quick Fact
Diabetics are not advised to consume orange juice in large quantities because of its high glycemic index. To avail the vitamin C and other health benefits, diabetics are recommended to consume the entire fruit instead of juice form.
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Did You Know?
Orange is not a national fruit of any country. That's a shame! Nevertheless, it's the state fruit of Florida and the white orange blossom is the state flower of Florida as well.
Well done! You successfully sliced your way to the end of this citrusy challenge.