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Prune Juice Benefits

A prune is the dried version of a plum. Here is the necessary information about the benefits of prune juice.
Shashank Nakate
Prunes are plum species sold in their dried form. Its juice is beneficial in resolving many health problems. European plum, also known as 'sugar plum', is used for the treatment of many health conditions. The scientific name of the European plum is Prunus domestica.


The juice of this fruit is actually a purée. It is prepared by first putting the fruit through steam in order to soften the pulp. The softened fruit is then treated in a pulp extractor to obtain the puree. It is mainly used for treating constipation. The uses of prune juice are here:
  • It is very useful in the treatment of constipation. Dihydrophenylisatin, which is the natural laxative present in the juice, treats constipation in an effective manner.
  • Dietary fibers (6%) present in them are also useful in overcoming constipation. The insoluble fibers help to feed the useful bacteria present in the intestines. The rise in number of beneficial bacteria results in the reduction of harmful ones. Thus, it is one of the important dietary fiber foods.
  • The antioxidants present in it help in warding off free radicals. These free radicals are known to cause a lot of damage to the body. These are indirectly responsible for the process of aging.
  • The content of antioxidants present in prunes exceeds that of blueberries. The antioxidants not only prevent wear and tear of the body, but also help in absorbing the nutrients in an effective manner.
  • Sour prunes are used in preparing a drink known as 'suanmeitang'. This drink helps in preventing lactic acid buildup and thereby reduces acidity. The process of digestion is also improved to some extent.
  • It keeps the heart rhythm in a sound state. This is because of the high potassium content.
  • The level of blood sugar in the body can be stabilized by drinking this. The time taken by food to pass through the stomach is reduced due to the presence of soluble fibers. Sugars are thus, released slowly into the bloodstream and their level is automatically kept in check.
  • The ability of prunes to keep the blood sugar in check, makes it an important component in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
  • One can incorporate prune juice in the diet for losing weight. It regulates the appetite and thereby, quantity of food being consumed.
  • Phenolic compounds can prevent chronic diseases like cancer. The chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids in prunes control the oxidation in the human body.

Precautionary Measures

It is necessary to check that the juice doesn't contain any added sugars. A completely pure and unadulterated fruit only, can help attain the health benefits mentioned earlier. If the drink has added sugar, it could prove to be harmful for health.
The aforementioned benefits, give us a fair idea as to why one should include this fruit in his/her diet. This fruit offers numerous benefits, and is also available easily.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.