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Protein Rich Foods for Kids

This story will give you a brief overview of some important foods that have a good amount of protein in them and are suitable for small children. Read on to know more...
Bidisha Mukherjee
Protein is an essential nutrient for people of all age groups. They play a major role in the growth and development of a child. During the growing years, a high protein diet helps in building the bones and muscles. It makes the immune system stronger and enables it to fight off infections.
It develops the brain and the nervous system which is crucial for enhancing their learning skills and improving their memory and intellect. The protein requirement of children varies according to their age and body weight.
While selecting protein rich foods for kids, you need to be extra careful. This is because they need high quality protein. There are different forms of amino acids present in proteins. The food that you choose for a child should consist of those amino acids that are easily digestible and readily assimilate in their body.
Another aspect that has to be taken into account is that it should suit their taste buds. Nobody knows better than you that small children are extremely picky eaters. So, unless they like the taste, they are not going to touch that food. Some protein rich foods which are ideal for children are given next:
Whole Milk: When we talk about high protein foods for growing children, the first thing that comes to our mind is milk. One cup of milk contains 8 grams of protein approximately. Most children like it when you serve them cold milk.
Eggs: This is another high protein breakfast food. It consists of 9 different types of amino acids. One whole egg has 7 grams of protein in it. The other advantage of including eggs in your child's diet is that it is easy to digest and you can prepare it in many different ways to suit their taste buds. Some kids try to avoid the egg yolk but it should not be avoided because it is a good source of protein and fats.
Peanut Butter: One tablespoon of peanut butter has 4 grams of protein. You can simply spread it over the slices of whole wheat bread or make a sandwich with peanut butter, honey and banana. The best part is that most kids love the flavor of peanut butter. However, some kids are allergic towards it and should not consume it.
Yogurt: Yogurt can be an integral part of high protein snacks for kids. One cup of yogurt can give your child 10 grams of protein. Plain yogurt which does not have any food coloring and has a low sugar content is best suited for kids.
Cheese: Cheese is a good choice of a high protein dairy product because kids have it without any complaints! One ounce of cheese gives them nearly 7 grams of protein. You can serve cheese sandwiches, cheese pizzas, use it as a salad dressing or in many other healthy snacks.
Lentils: One cup of lentils contains 9 grams of protein. It can be served along with rice or pasta. The problem is that kids do not like lentils. In that case, you have to make efforts to make them less noticeable. You have to grind them to a fine paste and then add it to various dishes like meat balls.
Shrimp: Shrimp is a rich source of protein. 4 ounces of shrimp supplies us with 20 grams of protein. Besides, it provides with many other nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins. There are several healthy shrimp recipes that are delicious as well as nutritious.
Chicken Breast: The protein content of chicken breast is as high as 30 grams. Grilled chicken breast, chicken nuggets, chicken fingers are some of the most popular options available. You can try out many more recipes as per the choice of your little ones.
You have to incorporate these foods in your child's daily meals. Remember one thing, that healthy food does not mean it has to be dull in taste. Try a variety of healthy recipes with these foods so that your child feels like eating them. Thus feeding these foods to your child will be much easier.
If you are looking for protein rich foods for a baby, then let me tell you that in the first year, the best source of protein is breast milk or baby formula. When they reach the age of one and are introduced to solid foods, you can then include dairy products, legumes, cereals, eggs, and other such foods to meet their protein demand.