A high protein diet is ideal for overweight and obese people. We have provided you varieties of menus over here that you can choose for your meals. The menus are also low in fats and carbohydrates, thereby restricting further weight gain.
What are the benefits of a protein diet? How does it help in losing weight? A low carb high protein diet is beneficial for people wanting to curtail those extra pounds from their body. The standard duration within which one loses weight is substantially shortened as there's minimum intake of carbohydrates and fats.
High protein diet is also preferred by body builders as proteins help in building muscles. Protein rich foods contain amino acids (known as the building blocks of body) which are required for protein synthesis.
A body deficient in protein suffers from multiple disorders and therefore it's a vital requirement. These were some of the significant functions of protein in our body.
Protein Diet Menu Plan
A high protein diet is partially devoid of carbohydrates and fats. Thus, the calorie intake of the body is automatically reduced. The diet plan also entails eating small meals at frequent intervals.
The diet is rich in healthy foods which will suffice the nutrient requirement of your body. You can also buy protein powders to make shakes at home. Protein shake is an important component of a protein diet regimen.
Include complex carbohydrates in your breakfast along with proteins. Have a bowl of oats, cornflakes, muesli or wheat flakes. Even a dish of scrambled eggs garnished with low-fat cottage cheese will be healthy. Roast two slices of brown bread and have with a glass of skimmed milk. Here's the list of foods that you can have for breakfast.
Egg white
Low fat cheese
Skimmed milk
Low fat butter
Unsweetened juice
Protein shakes
There are ample options for protein rich meals. Roast chicken and turkey or prepare scrumptious dishes with fish. Make sure you use olive oil or any type of oil containing only unsaturated fatty acids. Include lots of salads with assorted vegetables like tomato, cucumber, capsicum, carrot, etc. Here we provide you some options for a healthy lunch.
French beans
Low fat yogurt
Brown rice
We often tend to feel hungry either before lunch or prior to dinner, especially if the duration between the two is long. If you choose the right kind of snacks then your daily calorie requirements will also be met.
Protein bars are readily available in health and wellness stores and you can have them as snacks. A combination of proteins and omega-3-fatty acids is probably the best option for snacks. Check out some other items from the list here.
Puffed rice
Sunflower seeds
Our taste buds always demand variety. So you cannot everyday repeat the dishes that you eat during lunchtime for dinner. The last meal of the day should always be light. Combine proteins with fibers and avoid carbohydrates in the evening. You can also end your day with a glass of warm skimmed milk. Have a look at the wonderful menus for dinner.
Whole grain pita
Whole grain pancakes
Wheat tortilla
Green vegetables
French beans
Black eyed beans
Protein soups
Green peas
Protein shakes
Roasted chicken
Skimmed milk
Grilled sandwiches
There's always a craving for desserts after every meal. When you are following a high protein diet, then you must restrict yourself from having those sugar laden ice creams, juices, cakes and chocolates. Have a dish of assorted fruits that are rich in vitamins.
Some examples are bananas, avocados, apples, watermelons, cantaloupes, grapes, guavas, lemons, plums, peaches, prunes, oranges, papayas, raisins, etc.
Prepare fruit punches with these fruits and add honey for developing the sweet taste. You can also have fruit shakes with skimmed milk.
We hope you have got plenty of ideas for cooking a protein rich meal. Prepare delicious recipes and get the health benefits at the same time. You will definitely notice the difference in your health after a couple of weeks.