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Pros and Cons of a High-carb Diet

Parul Solanki
A diet high in carbohydrates is often considered to be bad by a number of people who blame the carbs for weight gain and obesity. But, are carbs all that bad? We find out the pros and cons of a high-carb diet in this story.

Quick Fact

Although they are considered to be a healthy way to start your day, granola and other cereals have a high carb content.
In a society that is continually obsessed with losing weight and staying in shape, diet plans are often extremely popular. Low-fat, high-fat, low-carb, low-protein and high-carb, there are an endless array of diet plans that promise you the perfect weight loss results.
The problem is when they are a dime a dozen, how do you select a diet plan that truly aids in weight loss. What is better, a low-carb diet, a high-protein diet, or a high carbohydrate diet?
One of the popular weight loss diet plans is the high carbohydrate diet. The overwhelming popularity of low-carb diet plans like the Atkins diet or the South Beach diet have made us very wary of the carbs we consume. But are carbs all that bad? Are they the sole reason for obesity and that unflattering flab? Maybe not.

Understanding the High-carb Diet:

The basic principle of the high-carb diet is to consume foods that have a high carbohydrate content. Carbohydrates are a staple in any diet plan, and are needed by the body to provide the fuel for its daily activities. Carbohydrates are found in a wide array of foods, especially starchy foods, sugars and fibers.
Some of the common high carbohydrate foods include potatoes, cookies, milk, bread, beans, corn, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn, and cherry pie. They are further grouped into simple and complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates refer to refined sugars with a chemical structure that is composed of one or two sugars, that have little or no nutritional value to the body. Some of the simple carbohydrates food sources are white flour foods, table sugar, candies, chocolates, cakes, jams, biscuits and packaged cereals.
As opposed to this, the chemical structure of complex carbohydrates is made up of three or more sugars. It is present in skimmed milk, broccoli, whole grains and many leguminous plants and vegetables. Compared to simple carbs, complex carbs have higher nutritional value.

Why Do High-carb Diets Works

A cell fails to metabolize fat into energy if there is glucose present. So if the cells have both carbs and glucose, then it does not convert the fat into energy, thus leading to fat storage. This is the reason why low-carb diets become popular. Since there is zero carbohydrate intake, the glucose works on the fat to release energy.
This does not mean a diet high in carb will not work. A diet with high carbohydrates and less fat intake will prevent the fat from getting stored. A well-balanced high-carbohydrate diet ensures that 60 percent of its calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 20 percent from protein and 20 percent from fat. Here are a list of the pros of a diet high in carbs.

Aids in Weight Loss

Researchers in the U.S. Department of Agriculture have found that high carbohydrate diets are linked to low BMI. The thing to note is that, a diet of high carbohydrates, that promotes weight loss, should restrict the calorie intake to 1,600 to 2,000 calories a day.
Instead of deriving the carbohydrates from fatty foods, intake of more high-carb fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products is recommended. These foods have more water content, more fiber, and are also low in trans and saturated fats.
With the absence of fat intake, the cells will metabolize the carbohydrate into energy. Thus restricting fat storage and making burning the excess fat easier.

Low GI Foods Reduces Cardiovascular Risk

High carbohydrate diet that has low GI (Glycemic Index), that contains more polysaccharides or starches and fibers, protect against heart disease and strokes. This is because the phytochemicals, vegetable proteins and fibers that these foods contain, help in lowering the risk of heart diseases.
Moreover, the viscous fiber in these foods lower the blood cholesterol by restricting the bile in production of bile acids. To produce more bile acids, the liver uses the cholesterol reserves which keep the cholesterol levels in check.

Enhancing the Mood

As opposed to low-carb diets, diets with high carbohydrate content help in elevating the mood. This diet increases the serotonin levels, the "feel good" brain chemical that elevates mood, acts as a tranquilizer and reduces appetite.
This is in sharp contrast to low-carb dieters who, according to MIT researchers, are susceptible to mood swings. Named after the popular low-carb diet plan, the "Atkins attitude" associates irritability, anger and tension with low intake of carbs.

Good for Athletes

High carbohydrate diets are especially good for athletes, as it provides them key nutrients and energy for a longer time. The carbs replenish the muscle and liver glycogen stores that are lost during intensive training and workouts.
Inadequate carbs can lead to easy fatigue due to glycogen depletion and even impaired training. Complex carbs, in the form of starches and fibers, will help in providing energy for longer durations as opposed to energy spikes from simple sugars. Consume foods with high GI at least one hour before exercise to increase muscle storage.

Why a High-carb Diet Does Not Work

Carbohydrate Restriction for Diabetes
Restricting the intake of insulin-spiking carbohydrates may be an effective in-dietary management of type 2 diabetes. Many experts recommend the elimination of high glycemic load carbohydrates and the reduction of carbohydrates to one-sixth of total calorie intake.
Linked to Cancer
It was observed by scientists at the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre in Canada, that mice fed on a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet had slower tumor cell growth, as opposed to those fed on a high-carb diet. This study has linked a diet of high carbs with cancer.
As the researchers found out, this was because unlike normal cells, cancer cells were increasingly dependent on glucose. Since the carbohydrates readily transform to glucose, it could give a chance for tumors to grow.
Memory Impairment in Older People
A Mayo Clinic research found that older people on a diet of high carbohydrates were more likely to develop cognitive impairment. This is often said to be a stepping stone for Alzheimer's disease.
The carbohydrates lead to high glucose levels that affect the blood vessels in the brain, and lead to development of proteins that are toxic to brain health.
The study also found that older people with a high intake of proteins, such as meat and fish, had a reduced risk by almost 21 per cent, whereas people who took good fats like healthy fish oils had a reduced risk of 42%.
Increased Risk of Heart Problems
A low fat high carbohydrate diet with increased sugar intake, can lead to worsening of blood cholesterol and triglycerides levels. This increases the risk of heart problems and diseases.
People on a diet of high carbohydrates, who are not able to burn off the excess calories consumed, also risk putting on extra kilos. While carbohydrates on their own are not bad and as a matter of fact essential for the body, the intake should be in moderation.
Usually, diets with one food group are never sufficient. A healthy, well-balanced diet will help you lose weight and stay fit for a longer time.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by a medical professional.