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Pistachio Nuts

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Pistachio is an elongated nut with a thick, hard outer covering. When ripe, the shell partially splits open to reveal green kernels. This flavorful, crunchy nut is a popular snack globally.
Eaten whole, raw, or roasted with salt, pistachios are used in various recipes. Like other tasty foods, people are curious about pistachio nutrition, calorie content, and benefits.
Pistachio Nuts Nutrition
Are pistachio nuts nutritious? Absolutely! These seed fruits are packed with essential nutrients like proteins, healthy fats, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Other trace minerals found in pistachios include magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and zinc. Pistachio nutrition facts reveal they offer about 30 types of nutrients, all beneficial for the body in different ways.
No doubt, few foods match the nutrition facts of pistachios. However, their high calorie count concerns health-conscious individuals. Just one ounce of pistachios (approximately 49 kernels) provides 165-170 calories, which is quite high.
For health aspects, the unsalted pistachios are better alternatives to the salted ones. They contain lesser sodium (as expected) and higher potassium than the salted nuts. Read more on calories in pistachios.
Health Benefits of Pistachio Nuts
According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) reports, regular consumption of pistachios and other nuts in specific amounts (preferably 1.5 ounces per day) is beneficial to minimize the risks of heart problems.
This applies to those with low cholesterol and saturated fat diets. Numerous studies have explored pistachio consumption's impact on cholesterol levels, showing it lowers cardiovascular risks by reducing bad cholesterol.
Consuming them in amounts sufficient for providing 15 - 20 percent of the daily calorie intake is shown to elevate good cholesterol (high density cholesterol, HDL) concentration.
The cholesterol-lowering property of pistachios is attributed to the healthy fats they contain, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. For optimal health, these long-chain fatty acids should comprise over 90 percent of total fats consumed from foods.
The low sodium and high potassium content of unsalted pistachios help regulate fluid balance in cells and tissues. Including these nuts helps minimize water retention (edema) issues.
Potassium is crucial for normal blood pressure, blood count, and muscle control. Vitamin E in pistachios promotes healthy skin, hair, and immune responses.
In traditional medicine, pistachios are used to relieve toothaches and liver issues. They provide a filling effect, curbing hunger for dieters. With moderate servings, pistachios don't cause weight gain despite their high fat content.
Loaded with B vitamins, pistachios support the normal functioning of the heart, blood, and nervous system. Additionally, they boost stamina and enhance overall immune system function.
The bottom line regarding pistachios is, they are nutritious and healthy nuts. But, as they are high in fat content, the consumption quantity needs to be monitored stringently.
Never overindulge in pistachios; ensure remaining calories come from healthy, saturated fat-free, low-sodium, and cholesterol-free foods. This way, you'll maximize the benefits of pistachios while staying fit.