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Phosphoric Acid in Soda

Madhura Pandit
Soda and many other soft drinks contain phosphoric acid that is harmful to your body. Let us know the effect of phosphoric acid on the human body.
Soft drinks and sodas have become a staple food for a majority of people, prominently in the developed countries. It is found that children, teenagers, and adults, are all addicted to their diet sodas.
People are often warned of the harmful consequences of smoking and alcoholism, but, they are hardly aware of the fact that soft drinks are as addictive and harmful as cigarette and alcohol. You may wonder what does soda contain to actually deteriorate the body from inside. Phosphoric acid is one such harmful ingredient found in soda-based drinks.

Contents of Soda

None of the contents in soda are really useful or essential for the human body. High fructose corn syrup, aspartame, caffeine, phosphoric acid, citric acid, artificial flavors, etc., are the common ingredients of soda. We are aware that large amounts of sugar isn't good for health as it can lead to several health concerns. Similar is the case with caffeine.
Caffeine can have a negative effect on a person's physical and mental well-being. Caffeine is also believed to affect the reproductive system and lead to birth defects. Artificial flavors may contain traces of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), which can cause allergy.

Effects of Phosphoric Acid

As mentioned earlier, phosphoric acid is one of the chief ingredients of soda. It is added in sodas, soft drinks, soda pops to add the tangy flavor and also give the fizzy appearance to the drink. Primarily, this acid is believed to be bad for teeth.
People may argue that the actual amount of phosphoric acid present in soda is relatively less and does not pose an immediate threat to health. But, an excess of acid in soda increases the risk of osteoporosis in people. How does it actually happen?
It is essential for the human body to maintain a proper calcium and phosphorus balance in the body. When there is excess phosphorus in the body and not enough calcium, the body extracts calcium from teeth and bones, in order to maintain the proper balance. If this continues for a longer period, it results in osteoporosis or weakening of the bones.
Phosphoric acid also affects the teeth and makes them weaker. Apart from this, caffeine found in sodas also hampers calcium absorption, leading to risk of weakening of bones. Weakened bones can make a person prone to fractures and degenerative diseases like arthritis.
On the other hand, phosphoric acid is also believed to indirectly lead to kidney diseases. When a person has excess amounts of soda, he naturally tends to drink less amounts of water, which is one of the contributing factors of kidney stones. The imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the body can contribute in causing kidney diseases and kidney stones.
As we see, the phosphoric acid found in soda is very harmful or detrimental to the human body. Therefore, it is only wise to keep away from it.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.