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Peach Nutrition

Sonia Nair
Peaches are delicious fruits with a high nutritional value. Go through this story for some information about the nutrients in this fruit.
Peaches are the tender, flavorful, and delicious fruits produced by the peach trees (Prunus persica), that are natives to China. It is believed that the Chinese people have been cultivating peaches for thousands of years. Even today, they are the biggest producers of peaches in the world.
There are many varieties of peaches that can be broadly classified as freestones and clingstones. In the freestone type, the pith comes out easily, whereas in clingstone varieties, the pith cannot be easily detached. The flesh of this fruit is either white or yellow, and its skin color ranges between shades of reddish-yellow. Apart from being delicious, these fruits are also rich in nutrients.

Nutritional Value

These fruits can be eaten raw, cooked, pureed, dried, roasted, or canned. They can be used for making jams and other delicacies. However, their nutritional value remains intact in the natural form only. So if you want to reap the health benefits of peaches, try to consume them raw. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds.
100 grams of raw peaches contain around 8.39 grams of sugar, 1.5 grams of dietary fiber, 9.54 grams of carbohydrates, 1.4 grams of protein, and 88.9 grams of water. The calorific value is 39 kcal. Other nutrients with their values are given in following data.
  • Vitamin A :- 326 IU
  • Vitamin C:- 6.6 mg
  • Vitamin B1:- 0.024 mg
  • Vitamin B2:- 0.031 mg
  • Vitamin B3:- 0.806 mg
  • Vitamin E:- 0.73 mg
  • Vitamin K:- 2.6 mcg
  • Folate:- 4 mcg
  • Calcium:- 6 mcg
  • Magnesium:- 9 mcg
  • Potassium:- 190 mcg
  • Phosphorus:- 20 mcg
  • Iron:- 0.25 mcg
  • Zinc:- 0.17 mcg

* Source: USDA National Nutrient Database

Health Benefits

As this fruit contains several nutrients, it is beneficial for health, in various ways. Peaches have high levels of water and dietary fiber, and so they have laxative effects. Regular consumption of these fruits in moderate level is good for proper bowel movements, especially in those with constipation.
Being a good source of carotenoids, peaches are beneficial for eye health; and for preventing some eye conditions, like cataract. As the fruit has diuretic properties, it is good for preventing water retention, by increasing the flow of urine. The fruit is also good for people with gout and rheumatism.
Peaches are said to be effective in eliminating intestinal worms, thereby reducing the possibilities of health problems associated with worm infestation. Recent studies suggest that these fruits are rich in antioxidants that can inhibit the growth of tumors.
They are also good for the health of skin and for enhancing complexion. Being high in vitamin A, they can also boost the immune system. Peach flowers are used in some types of alternative medicine, due to their sedative properties.
Some people are allergic to peaches. Allergic reactions include skin rash, hives, and breathing trouble. Gastrointestinal reactions may also develop in some people. However, it has been observed that such reactions are mostly caused by consumption of fresh fruits, rather than the canned ones.
Even though, fresh peaches are preferred to canned ones in terms of nutritional value, it is claimed that canned versions too are equally nutritious. In case of peach allergy, you can try the canned versions; but if you develop allergic reactions, avoid this fruit in any form.
While eating peaches, make sure to discard the seeds. If ingested, these seeds can cause health problems.