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An Overview of Pastured Eggs

Saptakee Sengupta
What are pastured eggs? What's the difference in the nutritional content of these eggs and conventional eggs? Read on to know the details...
Anything that receives the bounties of Mother Nature is much superior in quality that those adulterated by human interference. This article shall explain pastured eggs, that are absolutely natural products. Rearing hens is a farmhouse activity that generates a good revenue. They are provided with the conditions required for breeding and laying eggs.
Hens are usually fed nutrient laden poultry food products so that the eggs laid by them are nutrition rich. Despite all this, pastured eggs are much superior since the hens derive nutrition from natural sources while roaming in pastures. Your concept will be clear after reading the next content.

Pastured Eggs ~ An Overview

So what are pastured eggs? Farm products like meat and eggs when derived from hens that are allowed to roam freely in pastures and grasslands are known as pastured products. The chickens are kept inside coops that are mobile since they have to gain access to pastures for nutrition.
This kind of organic farming should not be confused with 'Free Range Eggs'. Pastured eggs are seasonal since the hens lay eggs only during the breeding season. This is the case of open farming business wherein the hens feed on natural substances, unlike those reared in poultry houses.
The eggs produced by them are considered to be much superior than the normal supermarket eggs. This is because they eat natural foods and their diet comprises grass, maggots, bugs, earthworms and insects. The eggs hatched by them contain natural omega-3-fatty acids that are derived from fresh living grasses of the pastures.
On the contrary, hens reared in poultry farms are usually fed with flax, which contains omega-3-fatty acids, is present in much lower quantity. Moreover, the nutritional content in terms of vitamins is also high in these eggs. Pastured egg nutrition facts are also associated with increased protein content than supermarket eggs. Standard: 100 grams of eggs.
Contents - Pastured Eggs
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - 0.66 g
  • β-Carotene - 79 mcg
  • Vitamin D - 204 IU
  • Vitamin A - 792 IU
  • Vitamin E - 3.73 mg
Contents - Supermarket Eggs
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - 0.22 g
  • β-Carotene - 10 mcg
  • Vitamin D - 34 IU
  • Vitamin A - 487 IU
  • Vitamin E - 0.97 mg
From the aforementioned list we conclude that the nutritional value of pastured eggs is much higher than conventional eggs. The taste of the yolks is richer than the factory cultivated eggs. Culturing pastured eggs is seen in many households today.
Farmhouses having large pastures and grass fields are converted into grazing grounds of hens so that they reproduce eggs that are not only tasty, thick and nutritious but are also ecologically sustainable.
These eggs also contain less amount of cholesterol and high protein as compared to conventional eggs. Being a rich source of Vitamin A, such eggs also improve vision while Beta carotene is an essential cofactor required by our body for carrying out the vital metabolic reactions.
Now comes the question, where to buy these eggs. You must check out the poultry outlets that sell pastured eggs. Health food stores usually keep such products along with pastured chicken and other products. You can also shop for the products online after checking out the prices offered by them.
One of the popular stores having franchisees across the United States is MOM's Organic Market. Their products are sold as 'Premium Pasture Raised Eggs'. Certified Organic Full Dozen Egg Share is also a site from where you can do the online shopping. Great Value Free-Range Buy Fresh Duck Egg is also an online shopping portal.
After reading the aforementioned content we can conclude that pastured eggs are natural and organic, harvested from the hens fed on green fields and fresh grasslands. Include this in your diet everyday to derive the maximum benefits from it.