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Pampering the Papaya

Prerna Salla
The papaya, besides its laxative qualities is best known for its beneficial effects on your skin.

Papaya, the fruit

Papaya (Carica papaya) is a common man's fruit, that is reasonably priced and has a high nutritive value. The best part about the fruit is its availability; it's available throughout the year, and of course there are several countries across the globe that swear by its wonderful properties.
A tropical fruit, the best feature lies in its requirement for minimum irrigation. A typical yield from a single tree can be up to 100 fruits, each weighing about 1kg. Being a wonder to the fruit family, all forms of the papaya are equally beneficial to mankind.

Properties of the Papaya

Papaya is a wholesome fruit. It has more carotene compared to other fruits such as apples, guavas, and plantains. Its pigment is similar to that found in carrots, beetroot, dark green leafy vegetables like drumstick leaves, spinach, curry leaves, etc. Carotene in food is converted into Vitamin A in our body.
The relatively low calorific content make this a favorite fruit of obese people who are into a weight-reducing regimen. It has a good vitamin C content of 57 mgs for every 100 gm.
The unripe green papaya can be used as a vegetable. Though it does not contain carotene, it possesses all other nutrients mentioned above. The enzyme papain is found in the unripe papaya.
In fact if you've ever thought of throwing away its rind, please beware that you shall be committing a crime if you don't rub it on your face with some amount of gram flour and honey. All these ingredients put together give you an instant face pack, that gives a cure for dull, lifeless skin.
Papaya, when consumed regularly, will ensure a good supply of vitamin A and C, both essential for good health. The commonly preventable cause of blindness in children is due to the deficiency of Vitamin A. Eating a papaya can help prevent blindness of this kind.
Being a good source of beta-carotene, regular doses of papaya can also prevent some forms of cancer. Papain, the most popular enzyme, is exclusively present only in the papaya and is an excellent aid for digestion.
Papaya has the property of tenderizing meat as well. Many people cook meat with raw papaya to make it tender and digestible. The unripe fruit, another rich source of papain, (which in reality is vegetable pepsin) is capable of digesting protein in acid, alkaline or neutral medium.
Papain also exhibits pain relieving properties and the US food and drug administration (FDA) has approved its medicinal use to ease the discomfort of ailments like slipped discs (prolapsed inter-vertebral disc).
Papaya can be prescribed for dyspeptic patients, as papain helps in the digestion of proteins. An ideal food for invalids, it's popular with most old people too because it is easily chewable and can be readily swallowed by all ages.
Healing speeds up with pieces of papaya laid on wounds. Papain is used in wound healing as it has the ability to break down proteins in the wounded area. Surgeons in the olden days used to spread papaya rinds on the skin for quicker healing.
A large number of people believe that pregnant women should avoid papaya, as it may cause a miscarriage, although the authenticity of this belief is not yet known. Scientifically speaking there is no evidence to support these beliefs.
It is known that its seeds contain a toxic substance called carpine. Carpine, in large quantities, is said to lower the pulse rate and depress the nervous system. However, the fleshy part of the fruit is completely free from this toxic substance.
This low calorie, nutritious, "low-budget" all season fruit must be included in your regular diet for a healthy life.