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Organic Almond Milk

The benefits of organic almond milk consumption make it a very valued component of any diet. A perfect substitute for regular milk, almond milk is not only healthy, but also easy to make. Here's how...
Shashank Nakate
The organic almond milk is considered to be good for health, and those who are on a low calorie diet will definitely find it useful. Almond milk has less amount of calories; a single cup of almonds contains just 60 calories. Besides its low calorie content, the high amount of antioxidants present in this milk helps in fighting off the ill effects of free radicals as well.
Almond milk is used as a substitute to animal milk by many. Not only is almond milk sweet and tasty, but it is also good for health, as it does not contain cholesterol and lactose. There are many organic almond milk products available in the market. One can either buy ready-made products or make whole food almond milk at home.

How to Make Organic Almond Milk

The process of making almond milk at home is very easy. The different procedures used in preparing almond milk are illustrated below. Care should be taken to see that bitter almonds are not used. Bitter almonds not only alter the taste, but also release a chemical known as cyanide.

Method 1

To prepare almond milk using this method, one would have to first soak the almonds (1 cup) for 12 hours. The ingredients that are required apart from almonds include filtered water (4 cups), raw honey (3 tbsp), vanilla extract (1 tbsp) and a pinch of salt.
The almond nuts need to be rinsed and drained once or twice at regular intervals while soaking. Once the nuts are soaked properly, they should be combined with filtered water. A homogeneous mixture should be prepared out of it with the help of a blender.
The mixture needs to be strained thereafter. After this process is over, honey and vanilla extract should be mixed with it and stored for 5 days.

Method 2

This method of making organic almond milk is quicker than the one mentioned above. In this procedure, there is no need to soak the almonds for a long time; they are kept in water for no more than a few minutes.
Cleansing the almonds beforehand is however, necessary. ⅓ cup of these nuts should be chopped in the blender for a while; after that, a cup of water should be added to it. The mixture should again be crushed in the blender.
The process of adding ice-cold water and almonds need to be continued for the next 3-4 minutes, until a silky white mixture is obtained. Any pieces of almonds if left, should be strained out. It is better to taste the almond milk before adding any kind of sweeteners.
This is because almond is naturally sweet and excess addition of sweeteners could make it less tasty. Natural apple juice is considered a perfect sweetener for organic almond milk.

Milk Brands

There are many different companies in the market producing almond milk. Few of them even make chocolate products out of almond milk. The 'Westsoy Organic Almond Soymilk' is priced at $2.95 and contains 32 fluid ounces of this organic almond milk.

Organic Almond Butter

Organic almond butter is another nutritious organic food prepared from almonds. It is rich in minerals, nutrients and enzymes necessary for energy and vigor. Organic almond butter tastes good and also has many health benefits. The risk of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cancer and other chronic illnesses are reduced greatly due to the consumption of almonds.
The regular intake of organic almond milk is good for health. It protects our health from various ailments and helps in maintaining energy. One should thus, learn to prepare almond milk at home, and consume it regularly, to stay healthy.