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Orange Fruit Facts

Abhijit Naik
Oranges boast of being the most important source of Vitamin C among various fruits and vegetables, but that's not the only thing that makes them so popular. There exist a couple of facts about them, general as well as nutritional, which have a crucial role to play in their popularity.
The orange is basically a type of berry which grows on a small flowering tree known by the same name, in tropical as well as semi-tropical regions of the world. This citrus fruit is also known as sweet orange (mainly to distinguish it from bitter orange) and Chinese apple in some parts of the world. Other than being absolutely delicious, they are quite healthy.

General Facts about Oranges

Did you know that oranges, which have become one of the most important ingredients of the American breakfast today, originated in Southeast Asia and went to various parts of the world. Given below are more of such general facts about this fruit
  • Even though oranges were introduced in the United States only about a 125 years ago, they have been grown in southern China and India since thousands of years. The history of this fruit in the United States can be traced back to 1873, wherein three navel orange trees brought from Brazil were planted in California.
  • Being highly adaptable in nature, orange trees can grow in various tropical and semi-tropical areas of the world. The ideal temperature required for these trees ranges between 60 - 85 °F.
  • As of 2005, Brazil tops the list of orange producing countries with an annual production of 17.8 million tons. The United States, on the other hand, ranks 2nd, with an annual produce of 8.4 million tons.
  • There are several different types of oranges, most popular among which are navel orange, red navel orange, Valencia orange, and amber sweet orange.
  • Other than eating the flesh of this fruit, it is also consumed in form of juice and pulp. In fact, orange juice is considered the most popular juice in the world, while the fruit ranks 4th in terms of popularity.

Orange Fruit Nutrition Facts

This fruit is rich in vitamin C and provides 60 percent of the daily recommended intake of this nutrient. However, this is just one of the numerous health benefits that you derive on consuming it. Given below are some less-known facts which stress on the nutritional value of oranges
  • Owing to their high vitamin C content, oranges help in boosting our immune system and increase our resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Even though they are sweet, they are relatively low in calories, which, along with the fact that they are rich in fiber, makes them ideal for people who want to lose weight.
  • They also contain a range of B-complex vitamins, such as thiamine (which maintains appetite and growth), pyridoxine (boosts metabolism), folates (promotes cell growth and reproduction), etc.
  • Additionally, they are also rich in natural antioxidants, such as alpha and beta carotenes, which help tone your skin.
  • Oranges also contain minerals, like potassium and calcium, in significant amounts. These minerals have a crucial role to play in various human body functions.
Taking their nutritional value into consideration, you can't deny the fact that oranges provide some of the most important nutrients that our body requires for smooth functioning, and therefore, we can't afford to exclude them from our diet.