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One-day Detox Cleanse

Rajib Singha
Many health-conscious people tend to practice a detox program for one day of every week or month. The following story discusses the a one-day detox cleanse diet.
Nothing makes your body healthier and your immune system stronger than a detox diet. Such a diet flushes out toxins, impurities, wastes, and other harmful materials from all parts of the body.

How to Follow the One-day Detox Diet Plan?

  • Begin by drinking plenty of water. Apart from the removal of toxins, water helps in keeping the cells and tissues hydrated. Drinking fruit juices prepared at home, juices from vegetables, and herbal teas are recommended.
  • The next step in the detox program is to fast for the day, or eat some easily digestible foods, in less quantities.
  • Individuals who are unable to fast, can resort to the consumption of organic fruits and vegetables.
No matter how healthy your diet is, it must be compounded with regular exercise. Indulge in some simple exercises like jogging, cycling, swimming, playing table tennis, dancing, etc. Any type of exercise that can make you perspire is an essential part of a detox diet. Perspiration is one of the natural mechanisms of the body, to get rid of toxins.

Detox Drinks

Given below are the recipes for some healthy juices:
  • Squeeze some lemons to get about 2-3 tbsp. of juice. Add the juice to 8 oz. of water, and add 1 tbsp. of maple syrup. Sprinkle some cayenne pepper. Drink the juice throughout the day, whenever you desire.
  • Prepare a healthy cranberry juice by mixing together 1 oz. of unsweetened cranberry juice, 8 oz. of filtered water, and 2 tsp. wheatgrass powder. Dink this juice throughout the day, whenever hungry.

Meal Ideas for the Detox Plan

  • For breakfast, you can have a glass of fresh pomegranate juice, with a handful of raw almonds.
  • During lunch time, you can indulge in a small bowl of brown rice.
  • In the evening, drink a glass of lemon juice and maple syrup.
  • For dinner, you can consume a glass of cranberry juice, and a small serving of green salad. You may add virgin olive oil, and salt for taste.
The fruit juices provide the necessary antioxidants, while the almonds provide the necessary calories. Salad provides the required vitamins and minerals, and rice helps to keep full. This one-day detox cleanse diet cleanses your body as well as provides the nutrients required for different physiological processes of the body. It is essential to abstain from drinking alcohol, coffee, tea, soft drinks, and smoking.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice.