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Olive Oil Types

Rimlee Bhuyan
Olive oil is the healthiest of all cooking oils as it is very high in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. There are many different types of olive oil that can be used for cooking. Read on to know more about these types.
Olive oil is not only used for cooking, but is also used as a massage oil for promoting hair growth. It has many health benefits, and is used liberally in Mediterranean cuisine. It is loaded with flavonoids and antioxidants, and also has the ability to slow down the aging process. It is prized because of its high monounsaturated fat content, that helps lower LDL or bad cholesterol in the body.

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Different Types

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This is the best quality and most expensive olive oil produced. It is obtained from the first pressing of the fresh, hand-picked olive fruits, and has the highest amount of antioxidants. To qualify as an extra virgin, it should have less than 1% acidity and should be cold pressed. Unlike other types of olive oil, it is neither processed nor refined, and you can distinguish it by its unique flavor, aroma, and color.
It differs in taste and aroma according to the quality and type of olives used, the weather conditions, the region where the olives were grown, and the time of harvest. All these factors are responsible for the variation in taste of this oil.
Extra virgin olive oil should never be heated as it loses its flavor, and it is best used for salad dressings and vinaigrette. It is generally greenish-golden to bright green in color; the deeper the color, the more intense is the flavor.

Virgin Olive Oil

This variety is slightly inferior to extra virgin olive oil, and is mainly used for cooking Mediterranean cuisine, and in baking cakes and pastry crusts. After pressing the oil by mechanical means, it is neither processed nor refined. It has a greater level of acidity than the extra virgin variety, around 1.5% to 2.0%. It is also ideal for body and hair massages. Although olive oil can be used for sauteing vegetables, this type is not recommended for deep-frying. Some people do not prefer it for cooking due to its strong flavor and aroma.

Refined Olive Oil

This oil is obtained by refining virgin olive oil without altering the initial glyceridic structure. Refining it eliminates the high acidity level. The refining is done with the use of chemical and physical filters. This variety is made for bulk consumption, and is much cheaper than the extra virgin or virgin varieties. It can be used for day-to-day cooking, but should be avoided in salad dressings. This type is considered inferior to the other varieties as it does not have the characteristic flavor, taste, or aroma of pure olive oil.

Olive Oil

This type is made by blending the refined variety with the virgin variety of olive oil in certain proportions, to retain some of its aroma and taste. Most of the olive oil that we purchase from the supermarket falls under this category. All oils that are sold as "Light" or "Extra Light" are a part of this group. Since the amount of virgin oil mixed in refined oil differs according to brands, the prices also vary.
Olive oil has many health benefits, and you should use it as a substitute to butter and margarine while cooking. Other than the types listed above, you can also purchase infused varieties like the garlic infused or rosemary infused olive oil.