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Oat Bran Vs. Wheat Bran

Aparna Jadhav
Many of us think, comparing oat and wheat bran won't really give us many differences as they seem to have very similar components. However, the following story will give you some major differences between the two, so keep reading.
Bran is defined as the outer layer of the grain (not chaff), which is coarse and husky in texture. It is combined with the germ of the grain to make "whole grains" and consists of a good amount of nutrition. However, this nutritional value is reduced when the bran is removed off during the process of refining the grains.
There are different types of whole grains such as rice, corn, barley, wheat and oat which consist of this bran. The nutritional value of bran is very high and it contributes to more than 50% of the grain's value.
Rich in dietary fibers and essential fatty acids, there are other nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals and starch that are also present in the bran. Even though the bran components in every whole grain are similar, there are certain differences with respect to the components of the germ as well.
In this story, we will concentrate more on the comparison of oat bran and wheat bran, both of which are extremely important dietary sources. Read into the coming up paragraphs for some more valuable information.

Difference Between Oat Bran and Wheat Bran

As mentioned above, bran which is a common part of the seed present in all the grains, is very rich in fibers. But depending on the components of the grain, the type of fiber and how it affects the health is different.

Oat Bran

  • Oats are a very common breakfast cereal, as they are filling and healthy. Oat bran however is more nutritious part of the grain and it has many health benefits. It consists of soluble fibers, when mixed with the bile during digestion form a gel like substance and they bind to the bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • These soluble fibers then push the cholesterol through stools and thus remove bad cholesterol from the body. Oats are hence known to be a great breakfast cereal for dieters and bowel patients. 
The amounts of soluble fiber present in half a cup of oat bran serving is 7 gms and this has about 150 calories which are used for the production of energy during metabolism.
  • Oat bran also consists of vitamin B (thiamine and folate), along with minerals essential to strengthen the immune system. Preparing a delicious breakfast with oat bran and nuts or raisins can truly improve your health in no time.

Wheat Bran

  • Wheat bran on the other hand is a suggested breakfast for people suffering from constipation as it is rich in insoluble fibers. The insoluble fibers from the bran of wheat germ, are not digested by the body but are softened through the digestive tract and then are bulked up as stool, providing easy elimination of waste.
  • Because of this excellent way of releasing the waste from the body, bowel movements are made regular, constipation is avoided and digestive problems are minimized. Wheat bran also acts as a colon cleanser and takes the toxins accumulated around the colon through the excretory system, releasing them from the body.
  • When the colon is cleansed, there are no bad bacteria or toxins causing acne or excess oil in the body, and you feel fresh, clean and healthy. However, wheat bran doesn't function in reducing the cholesterol from the body, but is very effective in gastrointestinal health.
  • About half a cup of wheat bran serving, provides 12 gms of fiber, and makes up to 60 calories. The other components of wheat bran are B vitamins (niacin and vitamin B6), which are also very healthy for various functions in the body.
With this information, hope you have found out which is bran you need to include in your diet the most! Well, pick any as both are useful in their own ways.