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Nutritional Yeast Flakes

Medha Godbole
A type of deactivated yeast and similar to brewer's yeast, nutritional yeast is obtained by a culture of yeast mixed with sugarcane and beet molasses. Read to know more about nutritional yeast flakes.
As most of us know, yeast is a member of the kingdom of fungi. Mostly unicellular, with some of them multicellular, yeast is a prominent feature of the diverse fungal species found in the ocean. However, there is a species of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae which does not harm, even if it is present in food. It has been used in baking and fermentation since ages.

What are Nutritional Yeast Flakes?

Normal yeast, when used in nutritional supplements, is commonly referred to as nutritional yeast. Commercially, this yeast is available in the form of flakes. Nutritional yeast is quite akin to what is called brewer's yeast and is a deactivated yeast. It is mostly in the form of flakes or in the form of a powder, and is derived from processing or culturing yeast with a mixture of sugarcane and beet molasses.
In the powdered form, it is similar to cornmeal and is widely available in stores. For vegans or vegetarians, it serves as a supplement for a lot of essential nutrients, which are present in non-vegetarian foods. In addition to that, its creamy, cheesy, and nutty flavor is what makes it a hit amongst vegetarians.


Health Benefits

  • Nutritional yeast is a great source of proteins and vitamins, and more so B-complex. It is a complete protein as well, because it has 18 amino acids.
  • It is also naturally low in sodium and fat.
  • If you want to be on a low cholesterol and high protein diet, and are a vegetarian, then these flakes are the best bet.
  • B-complex vitamins help in reduction of stress and act as energy boosters. These vitamins also help in regulating mood.
  • In case you are a diabetic or you have high sugar level, nutritional yeast has a substance called chromium, a trace mineral, known for its glucose tolerance factor or GTF.
  • Consuming these flakes regularly is beneficial for blood sugar levels. It stabilizes the fluctuating levels of sugar in the blood.
  • Having these flakes also protects against pancreatic cancer.
  • Nutritional yeast also contains folic acid and essential fatty acids.

Culinary Uses

  • The most popular and favorite use of these flakes is as a topping or addition to snacks. Its cheesy and buttery flavor adds that special tang to snacks.
  • It is also used in the making of beer, bread, and wine.
  • When preparing any food where you are going to use this yeast, add it at the end, so that the vitamins are not broken down from the food.
  • These yeast flakes are also used as dressings, along with olive oil and other things, for salads and soups.
  • As mentioned earlier, because of its cheesy and buttery taste, it is also used as a substitute for cheese. 
Nutritional yeast flakes are available in different brands as well, and some who do not like the taste, but want to have its health benefits, also consume pills of this yeast.