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Niacin Flush

Mayuri Kulkarni
One of the major symptoms of a niacin overdose is a niacin flush. It is characterized by reddening of the skin that can last for a few seconds to several hours. This story talks about its causes, symptoms, and the treatment options available to treat this condition.
Niacin is an important vitamin, which is also referred to as Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid. This water soluble vitamin plays an important role in various processes of the body, which include, metabolism, digestion, and nervous system regulation.
One of the major features is, it dilates the blood vessels and improves the blood circulation. Thus, it is one of the major components in medications used for lowering bad cholesterol, lipids, and triglycerides.
Niacin flush is basically a side effect of those medications that contain niacin as their main component. It is actually a healthy sign and is not harmful in any manner. However, this condition is quite discomforting and embarrassing. Redness around the neck and the face are some of the side effects. Before learning about the preventive measures for niacin flush, let us take a look at its causes.


Niacin has certain properties that help to relax the body, and thereby reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Another important feature of niacin is, it dilates the blood vessels and creates a warm sensation in the body. This body effect is called "Niacin Flush". It is basically a sign of saturation of niacin in the body.
This symptom is not a cause of medical emergency and it indicates increased blood flow in the body. The intensity, depends up on the amount of niacin taken. When you take small doses, the symptoms last for very few seconds and causes pale pinkness on the face. However, larger doses can turn your face beet red and the flush can last for more than 30 minutes.


Tingling, warmness, itchiness, and redness, are the symptoms that occur on the saturation of niacin in the bloodstream. Niacin flush usually starts from the face, then progresses to the neck, and may extend up to the toes. Sometimes it lasts for very short time and causes least discomfort.
However, sometimes it can be annoying due to certain symptoms associated with too much niacin, like rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness, and sweating. Given below is brief information on its prevention and treatment.


The reddening of the face and neck caused due to a niacin flush can be avoided with some easy steps. The first and foremost thing is to avoid high doses of niacin in the initial period of treatment. The safest way is to start with small doses and gradually increase the amount.
Studies also suggest that aspirin helps to minimize the flushing caused due to niacin. Thus, it is recommended that one should take an aspirin at least 30 minutes before taking the dose.
One should strictly avoid drinking hot beverages or alcohol before taking niacin, since these are some of the triggering factors. Many health experts suggest taking doses immediately after the meals.
It is observed that doses taken on an empty stomach causes flushing within 20 minutes, while those taken after having meals show flushing symptoms after a longer period of time. The effect of niacin doses is different for every person and so are the symptoms. Thus, some people may show severe symptoms, while others may not.
Niacin is not a drug, but a useful vitamin. Niacin flush benefits the circulatory system and hence, one should not worry about this symptom. Though it can be irritating, one can take proper measures to avoid this discomfort and enjoy the health benefits.
So, if you are taking niacin medications for cholesterol or lipid treatment, and are experiencing niacin flush; then do not stop taking niacin. Instead, consult your physician and get the proper niacin dose and learn the methods to avoid the condition.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.