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Calories in Nectarine

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
The calorific value of nectarine varies according to the serving size; a 70 g nectarine contains 30 calories, and a medium-sized fruit weighing 140 g provides 56 - 70 calories. Read on to know more...
Nectarine fruits are similar to peach in appearance, except that their skin is smooth in comparison to the velvety texture of peach. Although they are commercially represented as different fruits, both belong to the same genus - Prunus.
Depending upon the cultivar, the flesh of nectarines is white or yellowish in color. Some varieties have very delicate flesh, while others have firm flesh with an increased shelf life. Similar to peaches, nectarines are either freestone (flesh attached freely to the pit) or clingstone (flesh adhered tightly to the pit).
Speaking about nectarine propagation, it is done by using seeds or plantlets. Seed growing is usually not preferred as the fruiting period is very long and also, the fruit quality is unpredictable.
Other than selecting high yielding and hardy varieties, tree care is very easy. Fruits are harvested at a nearly ripen stage, and storing to induce ripening is usually not necessary. They are kept at room temperature to retain sweet taste.

Calories and Nutrition Facts

Nectarines are believed to have originated in China, about 2000 years ago. They were cultivated as a variant species of the regular peach variety. At present, several varieties of the fruit have been developed, with an aim to increase yield and shelf life.
Since the outer fruit skin is thin and smooth, nectarines are highly susceptible to bruising. Needless to say, the market demand for the varieties with delicate flesh is very low. Thus, commercial plantation of the trees requires proper selection of the species.
While purchasing nectarines, select large-sized fruits with firm flesh. Avoid fruits that are small, pitted, or soft. You can store them at room temperature for about 2 - 3 days after purchasing or harvesting.
Refrigeration should be strictly avoided, as it reduces their sweet taste and delicate flavor. Also, they are not palatable when stored for a longer period. You can consume nectarine in raw, pickled, or cooked form.
The total calorie content varies based on the fruit size and the variety. While some nectarines taste sweet, others are sour. Consequently, the sugar content and calorie count differs with respect to the intensity of sweetness.
The calorie value of a 75g fruit is 30, while that in a 140g fruit is approximately 65 - 70. Out of this, fat contributes about 4 - 5 calories. The total carbohydrate content in this serving size is 16g.
One of the facts worth mentioning is that nectarine is a rich source of vitamin A and C. Consuming a large fruit gives 9 percent of the daily vitamin A requirement, and 12 percent of vitamin C required per day.
Ripe fruits also contain high percentage of dietary fiber, iron, calcium, and potassium. They contain zero saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Thus, nectarines are healthy fruits for people with heart and cardiovascular disorders.
To be precise, nectarine has lesser amount of calories as compared to other fatty fruits. Hence, they are excellent for people who are conscious about their diet and calorie intake. The major worrying issue with its consumption in large amounts is the presence of high percentage of sugar, especially in some varieties.
However, including them in the regular diet is not a concern for healthy individuals. You can add fresh nectarines in mixed fruits salads, or even enjoy them baked or grilled.