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Natural Resveratrol Sources

Sonia Nair
You might have heard about the concept called 'French paradox', which boasts of the low incidence of heart diseases in French people. As per this theory, red wine consumption is said to be behind such low risk of heart diseases in French people, who follow a diet rich in saturated fats.
Further studies suggested that it is the presence of resveratrol in red wine that is the reason behind this phenomenon. Since then, resveratrol has been a hot topic for various studies and researches, as it is believed to have numerous health benefits.
Nowadays, even resveratrol supplements are available in the market. As there is no solid evidence for the beneficial effects of this compound, it is always better to go for natural resveratrol sources, rather than using the supplements.

What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a natural antibiotic found in certain plants, like grapes, lily, and eucalyptus. This substance is produced in plants, as a defensive reaction against bacterial and fungal attacks. Resveratrol is one of the phytoalexins, which are antimicrobial substances produced by plants, when they are attacked by bacteria or fungi.
It has been suggested that resveratrol is responsible for the health benefits of red wine. Apart from reducing the risk of heart diseases, resveratrol is also said to have properties that can prevent occurrence and progression of cancer. It is also said to have anti aging effects.
Being an antioxidant, resveratrol can curb the action of free radicals in the body, thereby preventing several diseases, like arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, etc. It has anti-inflammatory properties, and is claimed to be good for people with insulin resistance.
Resveratrol is now marketed as a nutritional supplement, which is available in the form of pills and liquids. However, use of resveratrol supplements is still a much-debated and controversial topic, as their beneficial effects in humans are not proven.
So it is always better to resort to its natural sources, so as to reap the health benefits offered by this antioxidant.

Natural Sources


As mentioned above, red wine is the best source of resveratrol. In fact, the grapes that are used for making wine are rich in this antioxidant. Among the different types of grape plants, Vitis vinifera, labrusca, and muscadine grapes are found to have high levels of resveratrol.
Even though this antioxidant is found in the stalks, roots, and seeds of the plant, the highest concentration is seen in the skin of grapes. Studies show that around 50 to 100 micrograms of resveratrol can be found in 100 grams of grape skin.
In case of raw red grapes, resveratrol concentration is 0.24 to 1.25 mg per cup. It is also said that grape plants that are grown in cold climates have high levels of resveratrol, as fungal attacks are more common in such climatic conditions. As compared to grape wine, grape juice does not contain significant amounts of resveratrol.
In case of red wine too, the resveratrol concentration may vary, on the basis of different factors, like type of grapes, place of its growth, etc. It could be around 0.29 to 1.89 mg in a five-ounce glass of Spanish red wine.

Peanuts and Berries

Peanuts have around 75 micrograms of resveratrol per ounce. Boiled peanuts have a higher concentration of this substance, as compared to raw ones. Peanut butter contains low amounts of this antioxidant - 0.13 mg per cup. Even raspberries, mulberries, blueberries, and cranberries are considered natural sources of resveratrol.
As compared to bilberries, blueberries have a higher concentration of resveratrol, but this antioxidant can get degraded due to cooking. It can also be found in the seeds of strawberries. Resveratrol is present in some types of pine and spruce trees, and Japanese knotweed.
As there is no guarantee for the purity, quality, and effectiveness of resveratrol supplements, it is better to go for its natural sources. Even the dosage of the supplement may not be accurate. There are some speculations about its side effects too. In case of natural sources too, moderate consumption is advisable.
Disclaimer: This Story is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert advice.