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Natural Detox Foods

Narayani Karthik
Natural detox foods will keep you hale and hearty all life long. These natural colon cleanse foods can be included as a part of your diet for weight loss.
The important chemical process of the body, where the toxins and the wastes generated inside are flushed out, is known as detoxification. Sweating and defecation are the ways through which, the body gets detoxified naturally. The more the body gets detoxified, the bloodstream gets cleaner and the body remains healthy and toned.
Nowadays, people opt for a lot of colon cleansing procedures that include, sauna treatment and medications to promote weight loss and healthy living. There are many foods that help cleanse the body in a natural way, without any harmful side effects.

Best Natural Foods for Colon Cleansing

Every day, we consume foods that contain preservatives and additives, which are not really good for health. The preservative content slows down the process of detoxification, as the body has to work harder to get rid of the wastes and toxins generated post digestion.
If such a condition is ignored, over a span of time, weight gain, constipation, depression, and irritability, are some of the unwanted conditions that will follow. Hence, it is better to consume foods that help the body with natural detoxification.

Fresh Salads

Salads are something, which most people flinch at the very mention. However, salads contain a lot of fresh vegetables, like broccoli, which has powerful antioxidants used for stimulating the enzymes in the body. Broccoli is an integral part of natural detox recipes containing salads.
Besides, succulent cucumber and firm crisp radish add more to the fiber content in the salad. A radish a day, accounts for almost 30% of daily requirements of vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron.
During summers, it is recommended to have at least 4-5 radishes a day! Cucumbers, being succulent, contain about 96% of water. Low in calories, rich in potassium, iron, and magnesium, and also diuretic in nature, this is a primary ingredient of any salad, and is easily available.
Cucumbers taste amazing when garnished with some salt and black pepper. Even children would love to have them on a daily basis. A combination of fruits and vegetables with a sprinkle of salt and pepper would make a tasty and healthy snack!

Juicy Fruits

Many people sulk when it comes to eating fruits, although it is a known fact that eating fruits is a must for a healthy body! Lemons, grapes, figs, apples, strawberries, melons, and raspberries are excellent cleansing foods and of course, natural too!
All these fruits are enriched with a high water content and are packed with vitamin C and other minerals, that help in enhancing the immune system. Lemon has powerful antioxidant properties, due to which, its extracts are also, often used in making facial cleansers, on the cosmetic front.
A lemon water diet rejuvenates the body and helps in natural detoxification. Figs are excellent sources of calcium and fiber, and are very much recommended for people, who cringe at the mention of dairy products. 1-2 figs a day is an ideal dose for cleansing the body.
Fruits like apricots that are rich in fiber, are best recommended to be consumed after a protein rich diet. One apricot (60 gms) has 30 Kcal and provides with sufficient potassium for regulating the water content and cleansing the body. Following a lemon detox diet for a week will fetch you the desired results.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Fresh green vegetables are a must in daily diet. The good news is that, they also serve as natural detox foods, which aid in flushing off the toxins from the body, as they are rich in fiber content. Spinach, lettuce, asparagus, and green beans are packed with minerals and vitamins.
They also help in water retention and are excellent diuretics. 5-6 asparagus, 1-2 times a week, are recommended. Green asparagus is tasty and crunchy, and hence, can be included in your daily diet. This vegetable also aids in weight loss.
Green beans account for the daily requirement of folic acid and vitamin C, and is a must for pregnant women. Green leafy vegetables can be included in the preparation of liver cleanse recipe, which is a celery drink containing cucumber, carrots, celery, and beetroot.

Fresh Fish

Meat (red meat specially) can be one palpable reason for weight gain and increase in bad cholesterol levels. White meat (mostly fish) is a better alternative to heavy meat. Not only does fish provide the necessary oils needed for the body, but also acts as a natural colon cleanser, that helps the body to overcome the desire to consume heavy meat.
Also, the skin becomes smooth and glowing. Fish is also one of the colon cleansing foods, rich in vitamins A and D. It makes an excellent diet for pregnant women.


Spices are the triggers that initiate detoxification. Not to miss, they too, have nutrient value (like red pepper has a lot of vitamin C) and aid in combating fatigue and weakness. In Asian or Italian food, garlic is a mandatory condiment.
Besides the flavor that it adds to the food, garlic also strengthens the heart and liver functioning, and enhances the immune system. It is an essential ingredient in a colon cleanse diet. And above all, being a flavoring agent, it adds more taste to the food.
So, if your diet comprises the above mentioned foods, you don't have to take any more slimming pills or laxatives to cleanse your body. Start your day with a green tea or a fresh lemonade, which are best recommended detox drinks to lose weight.
It is often said, what we are, often depends on what we eat! So, eat healthy and stay fit! And yes, drink a lot of water every day (water is a natural detox for the body). So, these are the easiest, best, and the natural means of cleansing and revitalizing the body.