Milk and yogurt both have immense health benefits. However, which is the healthiest? Here are some milk vs. yogurt differences, that will help you understand which is better.
Since centuries it has been said that a person should have a glass of milk everyday. Health experts say that milk has many important nutrients which are good for growth and maintenance of the body. However, many people today have lactose intolerance, such people simply can't have milk and milk products.
But, there is one milk product which seems healthier and easier to digest than milk itself. This product doesn't give a stomach upset to people with lactose intolerance. So, which is that milk product? That milk product is nothing but fermented milk, known as yogurt.
Yes, this milk product seems to be better than milk. Wondering why? Here is a comparison between milk benefits and yogurt benefits.
Comparing Milk and Yogurt (Nutritional Benefits)
Milk is a commonly available food product and can be obtained from many animals. Cows milk is the most common milk consumed all over the world. Also, it is low in fat compared to buffalo milk. Goat milk is also consumed in many parts of the world.
Milk is a commonly available food which has nutrients like iodine, tryptophan, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B2, protein, phosphorus, vitamin B12, vitamin K, vitamin A and potassium. These were the nutrients present in cow's milk.
One of the most important health benefits of milk is, its calcium content, which helps to increase the strength of bones and teeth. Milk also helps to lower blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases risk, obesity, diabetes and decreases risk of cancers like colon and breast cancer. These were the various health benefits of milk, which contribute to the beneficial nutrients presented in it.
So, what is yogurt, what all does it contain and what makes it different from milk? Yogurt is nothing but fermented milk, and to make yogurt, boiled milk is allowed to become lukewarm, in which is a spoon of yogurt is added. After a few hours, this milk will ferment.
This completely changes the milk and actually makes it more beneficial to our health. Yogurt contains iodine, calcium phosphorus, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, tryptophan, zinc and potassium.
Calcium in yogurt is better absorbed by the body compared to the calcium present in the milk. This is because the lactic acid, an enzyme present in yogurt acts as a perfect medium to maximize calcium absorption.
One big difference between milk and yogurt is that it contains beneficial bacteria while milk doesn't. This beneficial bacteria is known to cure all the digestive system related problems like bloating, acidity, ulcers, colon problems, etc.
Did you know that regular consumption of yogurt can actually prevent colon cancer? Also, yogurt which forms a part of the staple diet of Bulgarian people, is known to give them longevity. Bulgarians also have tend to have healthy bodies even in their old age.
Another benefit of yogurt over milk is that yogurt it is easily digested and accepted by people, who have lactose intolerance or protein allergy. As yogurt contains more lactase which helps to improve lactose absorption in people with lactose intolerance.
Also, people suffering from bloating, acidity, and stomach burns can be greatly relieved by eating yogurt regularly. Regular consumption of yogurt helps to maintain good digestive health.
There is a lot of confusion about yogurt and curd. These two milk items might seem similar, but are not. They are produced by two different methods. Curd is liquid milk, which gets transformed into solid form by adding an acidic substance to it like, lemon juice or vinegar.
While yogurt is produced by adding live bacteria to milk and the lactose part gets metabolized. Also, yogurt is more liquid form, compared to curd.
All this shows that yogurt benefits contribute more to good health than milk. Hence, one should increase their consumption of yogurt. You can make fresh yogurt at home, or buy a no-additive variety of yogurt at the supermarket. You can add fresh fruits, dry fruits, berries, herbs or nuts to improve taste and nutritional quality of yogurt.