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Microwave Popcorn Calories

Puja Lalwani

We all love to munch on popcorn while watching our favorite movie, and nothing is quicker to make than microwave popcorn. But before we indulge further, let's take a look at the number of calories it has.
Microwave popcorn is a popular choice among many, as an evening snack, or while watching the big game, or a favorite movie at home. Also, there is an immense variety of microwave popcorn now available for you to choose from.
However, have you ever thought about its calories and other nutrition facts? Popcorn by itself is considered to be a healthy snack, but with the availability of numerous flavors and types, the calories also just keep multiplying. Indulging in these rich and delicious flavors once in a while is acceptable though.

Nutrition Facts

As mentioned before, popcorn itself is healthy and nutritious, because it is made from whole grain. However, it is all the additives and flavors that contribute to the increased calories. The nutritional data here is based on a serving of 1 ounce or 28 grams, where:
  • g = grams
  • mg = milligrams

Type (1 oz - 28 g) - Regular Oil-Popped
Calories - 163
Carbs - 12.6 g
Fats - 12.2
Sodium - 296 mg

Type (1 oz - 28 g) - Butter Flavored (made with palm oil)
Calories - 148
Carbs - 15.6 g
Fats - 8.4 g
Sodium - 216 mg
Type (1 oz - 28 g) - Butter Flavor (made with partially hydrogenated oil)
Calories - 148
Carbs - 15.6 g
Fats - 8.4 g
Sodium - 216 mg

Type (1 oz - 28 g) - Low Fat
Calories - 119
Carbs - 20.2 g
Fats - 2.7 g
Sodium - 248 mg
Type (1 oz - 28 g) - Low Fat and Low Sodium
Calories - 120
Carbs - 20.6 g
Fats - 2.7 g
Sodium - 137 mg

Dangers of Eating Microwave Popcorn

Though it may seem harmless and light, microwave popcorn has its own set of dangers on regular consumption. As is the case with every processed and pre-packed food, it can never be as healthy as the original food item itself.
  • As you may have noticed in the data presented above, microwave popcorn is high in sodium levels, which can be dangerous for the body in the long run. Eating too much salt results in bloating and other health related problems.
  • A study by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has discovered the presence of a chemical in microwave popcorn bags, that breaks down in the process of heating. The acid that is extracted from this chemical could be a potential cause of cancer.
  • The presence of a chemical called 'daicetyl' in the fake butter flavoring is under research by the FDA, as a cause for lung cancer due to prolonged inhalation. Due to this research, several manufacturers now do not use this chemical in their products.
  • Microwave popcorn is enriched with artificial flavors, and in some cases, food coloring too, which may be dangerous in the long run.
It is better to make your own version of healthy microwave popcorn at home. In a dish, pour some olive oil, a little salt, and add regular popcorn kernels.
Cover it and heat it on a high temperature. In the process of heating, you will hear the kernels getting popped. Stop the microwave when the popping reduces to a minimum. Be careful not to burn the popcorn. It would ideally take 5 - 6 minutes for this procedure, though the temperatures vary among different brands of microwaves.
You can also opt for air-popped popcorn if you are unsure about following this procedure in the microwave. These are definitely healthier than the brands of microwave popcorn available in the market.