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List of Ingredients in Skittles Candy

Ashmeet Bagga
Not everything that tastes delicious is healthy for us. Have you ever wondered about the ingredients that makes your favorite candy so delectable? Just like every other candy, there are many ingredients that are added to make Skittles candy. This story has tried to list them out.

Did You Know?

With over 200 million Skittles candies produced on a daily basis, Skittles is the second-most desired candy, after Starburst, in the United States.
It has been one of the best-selling candies in the United States that was first introduced as an imported confectionery in the year 1979. Today, the bite-sized chewy candies produced in a wide variety of flavors and colors are a huge hit among kids and adults too.
With their tagline exhorting you to 'taste the rainbow', have you ever wondered what all ingredients go into making the colored pellets that we chew? After going through the ingredients list, the sweet candy may not seem so sweet anymore.
According to the official website, one pack of Skittles candies that weigh 56.7 g contain 230 calories and about 45 g of sugar. Now, that's a lot of sugar. Here, we shall take a closer look at some of the ingredients used in Skittles and try to understand their probable side effects on the human body.

Main Ingredients in Skittles Candy

1. Hydrogenated palm kernel oil

It helps to give the candy a soft, smooth, and chewy texture. Also, it keeps the candy from sticking to the machinery in the candy factory. It is a glue which holds all the other ingredients together.
It is a polyunsaturated vegetable oil that is partially converted to saturated oil in order to form a solid substance. Though it is used in Skittles, its use is banned across several restaurants in the U.S.A.

Side Effects: Colon cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, infertility in women, Alzheimer's disease.
2. Sugar

You get all the sweetness in your candy from sugar, so it is one of the main ingredients. Mainly produced from sugar cane and sugar beet. Sugar provides very less nutrients and calories too.

Side Effects: If consumed in large quantities, it can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and hyperactivity.
3. Corn Syrup

It is one of the highly genetically modified food, the process to turn corn into corn syrup involves multiple steps and adding enzymes. Excess of corn syrup can cause weight gain, which in turn can lead to various diseases.

Side Effects: May cause allergic reactions, weight gain.
4. Citric Acid

An organic acid used as a flavoring agent and preservative. It is extracted from citrus fruits or by fermenting yeast or mold. The chances are high that this acid may contain MSG.

Side Effects: May cause allergic reactions in MSG sensitive individuals.
5. Dextrin

It is made from Cornstarch and wheat. It is used as a thickener and as a foam stabilizer. It is also used in the textile industry to increase the weight and firmness of the fabric.

Side Effects: It can cause allergies, should be avoided by people with Celiac disease.
6. Modified Cornstarch

Cornstarch is used in many food products; however, cornstarch is put through a number of chemical process to get modified cornstarch. Chemicals that are used for the modification process include hydrochloric acid, propylene oxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, and succinic anhydride.
Side Effects: It is mostly used in baby foods, and the process involves using many chemicals which are harmful for babies and kids, as they have low resistance to such chemicals.
7. Natural and Artificial Flavors

The exact amount of natural & artificial flavors are not revealed and are supposed to be a trade secret. Natural flavors are supposed to be derived from plants and animals & are used to lend flavor. With over 1,700 artificial flavors approved by the FDA, these chemical mixtures imitate a natural flavor & may contain MSG.
Side Effects: It may contain MSG, so people allergic to it, should avoid it. Prolonged consumption may lead to allergies and headache, drowsiness, and nausea.
8. Artificial Food Dyes

Artificial food colors like Yellow 6 lake, Red 40 lake, Yellow 5 lake, Blue 2 lake, Yellow 5, Red 40, Yellow 6, Blue 1 lake, Blue 1 are all lab-created mixtures. They are created by using chemicals from petroleum.

Side Effects: Cancer, hyperactivity in children, etc.
9. Ascorbic Acid

It is not a natural source of vitamin C, and is used as a preservative to prevent deterioration in packaged foods. It is chemically synthesized.

Side Effects: It is generally considered safe, and has no side effects so far.
We all love to munch on chocolates, especially if we are traveling or doing nothing. However, consuming sweets in large quantity is always going to invite trouble. You can always substitute candies with natural sweets like jaggery, which is sweet as well as good for your health.