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List of Antioxidants

Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi
All are aware that antioxidants are beneficial for the body. This story provides a list of antioxidants that are necessary to keep one healthy.
In this hectic and fast lifestyle, having a balanced diet and a proper workout routine are the two things that keep one fit. Health experts have found out that having foods rich in antioxidants keeps the immune system healthy. Nowadays, they are available in many forms - tablets, syrups, and even health drinks. However, one should know which are the ones that are necessary for the body.
All know that oxygen is a necessity for life and without it we wouldn't be able to survive for a minute. Oxygen regulates our metabolism, blood flow, heartbeat, and produces energy. The production of energy triggers the production of some harmful compounds known as free radicals.
Free radicals are unstable molecules which are dangerous and are responsible for a number of complications like cancer and various cardiovascular diseases. This is where antioxidants step in; they are a group of compounds that repair the damage that is caused by free radicals.

Essential Antioxidants

Plants are constantly under attack by the harmful UV rays and pollution. Since, they cannot protect themselves like we do, they produce strong antioxidants to protect them from cell damage and harmful bacteria. These have many benefits and having a proper intake can help us live a long and cheerful life.


The #1 spot is taken by alpha-carotene. It is converted into vitamin A as and when required by the body. This antioxidant is very powerful and helps protect eyes, skin, liver, and lungs, from the damage caused by free radicals. It is found in cooked carrots and pumpkins. As a supplement, it's sold alone or mixed with carotenoid formulas.


A very well-known antioxidant, beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A same like alpha-carotene. In the medical world, beta-carotene is known as a cancer preservative. Various health experts say that beta-carotene gives one a healthy immune system, prevents arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.
It is found in bright-colored fruits and vegetables such as apricots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, carrots, peaches, spinach, broccoli, and mangoes. As a supplement it's sold separately.


It is also converted into vitamin A by the body. Studies claim that women have a high level of cryptoxanthin in their blood then men and are better protected against cervical cancer. Smoking causes a reduction in the levels of cryptoxanthin. It's found in oranges, peaches, tangerines, and papaya at a higher level. As a supplement it's often found in carotenoids.


It is not converted into vitamin A, but is an essential antioxidant which is useful for the protection of eyes. Free radicals are the main cause of blindness in old people and this condition is treated by lutein. Good sources are green vegetables such as spinach and collard greens.
Those who don't like the vegetables can also take it as a supplement. Doctor's consultation is necessary if a pregnant woman is taking lutein.


It is not converted into vitamin A and is considered as a stronger antioxidant than beta-carotene. Red color fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and watermelons have rich contents of lycopene. Some facts claim that men who eat pizza regularly have a less chance of getting prostate cancer because of the tomato sauce in the pizzas.
Young people have more lypopene in their blood than elderly people. So people over 50, should start eating tomatoes to reap the benefits of the same.


It protects the eyes from free radicals. It also destroys and prevents the growth of various tumor cells, indirectly preventing cancer. It is found in okra, spinach, beet greens, chicory leaves, swiss chard, and watercress. In some cases, the people who do not prefer these vegetables, take zeaxathin as a supplement.

Foods Rich in Antioxidants

Consuming foods high in them are essential for one's overall well-being. Consumption of these foods with a good workout routine can help to lead a healthy and long life
  • Fruits like pineapple, plum, grapes, all types of berries, kiwi fruit, and grapefruit.
  • Vegetables like kale, chili pepper, parsley, artichoke, red cabbage, lemon, ginger, red beets, and Brussels sprouts.
  • Nuts and seeds like pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, groundnuts, and sunflower seeds.
  • Various types of cereals and spices are also foods rich in antioxidants.

List of Antioxidant Vitamins

Here are the names of some of them:
  • Vitamin A and Carotenoids
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Selenium
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid
  • Coenzyme Q-10

List of Antioxidant Supplements

Some people are not really interested in vegetables. They have their own preference when it comes to eating green vegetables and fruits. In such cases, one can get his/her daily dose of antioxidants in the form of supplements. Here are some of them
  • Now Foods, DMG
  • Now Foods, Coq
  • Miracle Reds, 12 single serving packets
  • Miracle Reds, 30 day supply
  • Alive Power Active Juice Blend
  • Miracle Reds powder
  • Mango Concentrate
  • AntiOx Cysteine Free
  • Ola Loa Vitamin energy supplement
The golden age of antioxidants is here and people have many supplements which can be included in their diet to have a healthy and long life. However, it is always better to consult the doctor, before opting for these supplements.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.