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Liquid Diets to Lose Weight Fast

Rutuja Jathar
Liquid diets are those in which the dieter is strictly restricted to consume nothing but liquid foods. This story provides a list of such plans.
Liquid diets are gaining popularity for weight loss. They are especially suggested by the health care providers if there are medical conditions like any surgery, or conditions related to jaw or gastrointestinal tract. They have become the newest rage for shedding one's flab. In spite of the benefits of such diets, there are two other reasons for this craze.
One is, of course, to lose weight fast and the other is to imitate the famous Hollywood personalities. There are several celebs who opted for various liquid diets and lost weight, successfully. There is nothing wrong in it, provided the diet doesn't cause any side effects on the health of the dieter.

Diet Plan

There are two basic types of liquid diets that are opted for weight loss. One is full liquid diet, and the other is the clear liquid diet. These are very convenient to use, and do not over-stress the dieter either. The plan can be varied in various ways. There are two more sub-categories as low calorie plans and commercial plans.
Both these are actually meal replacement diets that are used for weight loss. The latter comes with pre-packaged products that can be combined with low calorie and high fiber diets. The low calorie plan, on the other hand, consists of medically observed liquids that allow only 500 to 800 calories a day, and the solid foods are increased after a few days.
This sort of diet is for those who want to lose weight fast, and maintain it for a long period.

Various Diets

The low calorie liquid diet plan helps a person to lose weight within a week. If strictly followed, a person can lose more than 3 to 4 lbs. These diets are needed to be followed for at least one week with only 480 to 800 calorie consumption a day. Easily digestible foods are given more preference in these diets.
These foods are those that contain proteins, minerals, and important vitamins. This means it avoids fats, and any other thing that cannot be easily digested by the system.
Low calorie plans also include daily 30 minutes of rigorous exercise. Exercise and liquid diets boost the metabolism levels, and in this way, they help in fat loss, by burning the unwanted body fats. The diets are best to be followed under a watchful supervisor.
There are just various liquid diets for losing weight, and some of them can also be called fad diets, that are more popular due to the promotional propaganda and advertisements by popular models.

» Master Cleanse

Master cleanse diet has suddenly gained popularity in the past few years. It consists of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and honey. It is supposed to be followed for 10 days. The diet increases detoxification, and metabolism and by this, it promotes weight loss.
The only problem with this plan is that people cannot withstand without food completely (as the diet demands) which makes them give up sooner or later.

» Medi-Fast

It is a diet plan that consists of fluids that the dieter has to consume 5 times a day, and a meal that the person is allowed to have only once a day. This meal must be a low fat, and low calorie food that is high on protein and fresh vegetables. This plan allows only 800 to 1000 calories a day and hence, helps in losing weight.

» Opti-Fast

This diet must strictly be followed under physician's or dietitian's supervision. These are especially designed meal replacement powders, or fluids that help a person to lose weight fast. These are protein shakes and several other juices for weight loss. This sort of diet must be accompanied by strict exercise routine, and weekly monitoring by the dietitian.

» The Hollywood Diet

This diet claims weight loss in '24 to 48 hours'. There are many other shakes and juices that come with various flavors like vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, and so on. The Hollywood diet plan consists of fruit juices that help and increase natural detoxification of bodily impurities.
It is also called detox diet that can be a great way of losing weight. As they say, this plan helps the person to lose all the excessive water weight and soon after, the person can go back to his/her normal eating pattern.

» Cabbage Soup Diet

There is a lot of rage about this diet plan as well. It is called the '7 days cabbage soup diet', that has to be followed for a week. This is a plan that is worth giving a try for quick weight loss. There are many soup recipes that one can try with cabbage, and variety of vegetables, to make this diet a lot more exiting.
It is supposed that cabbage soup diet helps the person to lose 10 pounds in one week.
Many people also talk a lot about the clear liquid diets, but to be frank, they are not meant for weight loss. A person will surely lose weight but he will also lose on the important nutrients at the same time. Such diets can only give temporary results.
Sometimes, it so happens, that once a person stops consuming certain meal replacement shakes like the good old protein shakes, he/she starts to put on weight, even faster than before.
So, in my view, liquid diets are a great way to lose weight temporarily. However, for a long term effect, one strictly needs to follow a balanced diet, suitable exercise regime, and healthy eating habits. A good combination of all these things will always keep a person fit and healthy.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.