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Krill Oil Benefits for Children

Hemangi Harankhedkar
The diet of children these days lacks the essential nutrients. Krill oil is a good source of nutrients and should be a part of a child's diet. Read more on krill oil benefits for children, in this story.
Krill oil is basically a nutritional diet supplement and is majorly available in capsule form. For the immense benefits it offers, there are lots of brands that manufacture this oil. The oil is derived from the fat of krill, which are shrimp-like crustaceans. Krill are found in abundance in oceanic waters, and are largely harvested for extracting their oil.
The oil offers many benefits for both adults and children. For adults, it aids in weight loss and promotes a healthy heart. It is rich source of antioxidants and protects the body from the dangers of free radicals.
The diet of children these days lacks the essential nutrients. Children are quite stubborn and prefer eating only fast foods. Fast foods lack nutrients and do no good to the child's health and development. To promote proper growth and development of a child, a balance of nutrients in the diet is essential.
Krill oil has it all, it is a rich source of antioxidants and omega-3 acids.
This oil can be used for cooking purpose also, but is rarely used, because it changes the taste of food to what many may not prefer eating. The use of krill oil is popular as capsule supplements only, and a proper dosage of these capsules will lead to a healthy body and mind.
It is universally manufactured by Neptune technologies and there are many products that are specially made for children.

Benefits for Children

Brain development

Studies suggest that, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a kind of omega-3 fatty acid and an important constituent of the krill oil, promotes brain development in children. DHA also benefits the eyes and improves vision. It promotes cell growth and muscle coordination.
Krill oil is the only source of DHA, fish is also a rich source of DHA, but, it is the safest and the best source of DHA. Thus an appropriate dosage is an essential supplement to boost brain development in children.

Improved memory

Another benefiting ingredient is phospholipid. Phospholipids enhance and improve memory functions of the brain and thus help child in learning.

Anti-obesity oil

Growing cases of childhood obesity is a major concern for parents these days. Children are also susceptible to heart and other obesity related diseases. Krill oil is best to tackle these issues, the omega-3 acids in it work well to control obesity and also promotes a healthy heart in children.
Krill oil promotes production of good cholesterol in the body and also helps lower the bad cholesterol.

Rich in anti-oxidants

Krill oil is a rich source of antioxidants, especially the antioxidant called astaxanthin. Antioxidants boost energy levels and promote a healthy and strong immune system in children.

Good for nervous system

Doctors also recommend krill oil to people with diseases like autism and other nervous system diseases. It thus promotes a healthy nervous system in children from a young age.

Rich in nutrients

The nutrients in krill oil help in promoting healthy brain and immune system, and would benefit overall body growth of the child and keep him/her active and refreshed throughout the day.
Krill oil thus has so many benefits for children. But, before you start the dosage for your child, make sure that your child doesn't have any kind of allergy to sea foods. It's always better to consult a doctor to determine the appropriate dosage for children.
This is because number of factors like age of the child, weight, health issues, etc., are considered while determining the dosage.